Weiss jemand wieso meine Yamaha Aerox 50 in der Kälte nicht anspringt?
Meine Yamaha springt wenn es warm ist normal an, sobald es zur Temperatur von 0 oder niedriger, springt er schlecht, oder gar nicht an. Ich habe neue Zündkerze und neuen Zündkerzenstecker verbaut. Den Vergaser habe ich gereinigt.
Was kann sonst noch das Problem sein?
Schonmal Danke fürs weiter helfen
I shaved the scooter a little bit on the side, after that it jumped first time, after about 5 minutes drive he was scavenging, had it on the edge, and when he came back to his forces, he got too little interest after the first few minutes.
in the tank it has no dirt, and I’m just trying to test if the e-choke is broken
I had and had the following vehicles, or drove them over a longer period of time:
Numbers 3 and 6 have an injection system, always jump, even with the strongest frost, and that without giving gas – it is very cold, it only takes a little longer, but as soon as they run, they stay on. All others have carburetors (except for the Nexxon, which has a slide carburetor, like your Yamaha, were constant pressure carburetors), and either did not jump at all in winter, or only extremely reluctantly, you had to play with the gas, and in half-warm condition they went out again and again. So it must be the old-fashioned carburetor. Make sure that such a part usually makes less problems than an injection system.
Did you check if the cold start automation still works?
At a cold start try to put a finger (or something else sealing) into the intake opening of the air filter box. If the roller then jumps considerably better, it could actually have to do with the idling mixture or the cold start automatic system.
If the mixture is only minimally lean, the auxiliary air setting at the carburetor could also be slightly adjusted.
I did, he jumped again after the shaking.
And when driving, he got too much interest and turned off.
after a few more attempts he jumped and normal and after another 5-10 km he didn’t get a bite at once when I walked him on the stalks, and got his strength again and drove on.
What can that be?
and how can I check the control device from the e-choke?
I get only 0.10 volts to e-choke where the gasifier comes
I’m sorry for my spelling
problem is the battery,
in the cold, the battery simply has no power to start the engine powerfully.
It just helps a warm garage.
Compression test from the cylinder
Proper, progressive wear and increasing minimal impermeabilities in the system can play in.