Weiss jemand was es ist, wenn man eine schnelle Stimmüberlastung hat und zudem Engegefühl im Hals und Hals/Rachen fühlt sich gereizt an?
ich leide seit ca. 1,5 Jahren unter Beschwerden wie: schnelle Stimmüberlastung, wiederkehrende Rachenentzündungen, Engegefühl im Hals, Hals/Rachenbereich fühlt sich gereizt an. Ich habe schon sehr viel gemacht von Magenspiegelung über Laryngoskopie, Probeentnahme aus dem Rachen operativ, Allergietest (Pricktest, Bluttest), Sonographie, Blutabnahme mit Überprüfung der Schilddrüsenwerte oder auch Ernährungsumstellung. Leider konnte mir bisher kein HNO Arzt helfen. Hatte jemand solche Probleme schon mal oder weiss, was man nich ausprobieren kann?
I’m sorry, does it sound stupid, but it’s just trying not to scream? You don’t do that much. And if your voice is so sensitive, would it be all the more important? How do you see
Yes, but even if I don’t scream, I’m sorry. If I’m just screaming.
Oh, okay. Are you drinking enough every day? Did the HNO detect dry mucous membranes?
Yes my ex friend recommended me because they were successful
What was that for a healer? Usually the first time they also take blood and ask for eating habits, sleeping habits and more
wanted to make another appointment with the specialist even if I was with one. Was also with the healer and he said the energy would stow and she put her hands on me. And then I asked her if she wanted to fuck me.
Madness. You know, I think I’d be in alternative medicine in your place.
There I was. But he said no.
Krass. The dentist would still fall into my mind, possibly the oral flora is in imbalance
No I do 3 times weekly performance sports (fussball) and I do not smoke and do not drink alcohol
You’re not smoking? Also not passive?
Yes drink enough. I even dared an experiment and drank 5 liters daily. No, the HNO can’t find anything. Only sometimes slightly reddened