Weisheitszähne ziehen – ANGST?
Mir werden heute alle 4 Weisheitszähne gezogen und ich hab soooo Angst leute was kann ich tun!!!!!
An alle die schon die Weisheitszähne ziehen lassen haben: war es schlimm für euch? Wie lange hattet ihr dicke Backen und konntet nichts essen?
After the effect of the syringe was over, everything else was over. Four hours?
You don’t have to be afraid. You get an anesthesia and you don’t notice. But not all four wisdom teeth were removed at the same time. I got a strong painkiller, and that was tolerable. However, no solid food. Mostly only eating baby cereal or ice cream.
I made more stress than it would have been. But my teeth were relatively easy to pull, except for one. Food was difficult for a few days, but it remained a certain sensitivity in hard foods for several months. Swollen it was only easy, but I also cooled a lot and that immediately after the treatment. Good for the intervention!
If you have no problems with these teeth, you shouldn’t let them go!
But well, painkillers hardly help,besides you get extra strong from the dentist,you can only drink for about 3 days under pain.
I am very grateful
I wouldn’t let her go. This is cash