Weißheitszähne reissen lassen?
Ich war letztens bei meinem Zahnspangenzahnrzt und dieser meinte, dass alle 4 Weißheitszähne gerissen werden sollen, da diese zu wenig Platz haben und schief hineinwachsen.
Was soll ich jetzt am besten tun? Ist dies ratsam?
The wisdom teeth are pulled out by most. Go to another dentist and ask if it is necessary.
If the wisdom teeth do not make enough space, they make room. This allows them to move or even damage other teeth.
If the orthodontist says that, the valid one will be. But of course, you can also ask your dentist for an assessment.
If that’s what your dentist says, trust him, where’s the problem?
If you’re unsure, get a second opinion…
Talk to your “right” dentist again if it is necessary. If they do not move the teeth and do not ignite, they can normally be left inside.
Pick up second thought – and then you’re best going to a pine surgeon. He’ll get them out.
Promise this with your dentist
This means pine orthodontics and “draw teeth” do not tear.
Yes, it’s advisable if they’re wrong.
Teaching is said in Austria.
Young boy..,Come kid we have to tear your teeth to the dentist.” Every child gets hot:DDD
Well, they also say paradeisers to tomatoes 😉😂
If you think you have to criticize this, please do not respond to my question, thank you.
well, “Come child we have to pull your teeth to the dentist” will not find the child better, I guess
Naja,taste thing 😉spital,onesome,brown
What is more beautiful
They have no use, but can constrict the space for other teeth
Teeth is not torn but pulled or removed.
Let the OPG (X-ray) explain to you by the dentist. If you still do not trust the dentist/KFO. Get a second opinion
Get a second opinion.