Hallo leute , habe heute meine Weisheitszähne rausgekriegt ich haben da noch so warte in den Mund gekriegt eig für 1stunde habe es rausgemacht und habe dan nach 5min Papier in mein Mund gestecht. Muss ich es ein mein Mund rein tuen oder geht es auch so ?
There’s no paper coming in. Please stop with such a nonsense.
Remove the Tupfer 30 minutes after Op. ( careful)
it should then continue to bleed very strongly again on a sterile tupfer for a maximum of 10 minutes (which are often in dressing box)
You should take the paper right away, as it probably seems full of bacteria and can cause worse inflammation. In my memory, the cotton pieces were there for sucking up the rest of the blood or for breastfeeding the bleeding. You can remove the tupfer after 30min to 60min.
Thank you
How do you get that stupid idea of putting paper in your mouth? Take it off!
You don’t have to do anything. Cool the cheeks. If necessary, take an ibuprofen and don’t rinse your mouth, be careful. Good improvement
I had always flushed out the first days with cold water. It also cools very well.