Weisheitszahn wurde gezogen und schmerzt sehr?
Hallo liebe Gemeinde.
Ich bin der Mike 68 Jahre und lebe in Wien.
Mir wurde vor 2 Tagen der Zahn gezogen und habe heute wirklich starke Schmerzen und so einen komischen Geschmack im Mund.
Falls ich es hinbekomme, lade ich ein Bild hoch.
Kann mir jemand sagen, ob das Eiter ist?
Leider wirken sogar Schmerzmittel, die nach 20 Minuten wirken diesmal entweder gar nicht oder erst um einiges später wie gewöhnt.
Es ist sehr spät und ich weiß nicht, wen ich fragen soll, deswegen dachte ich, ich frage einmal hier.
Danke im Voraus für die Antworten.
Call 1450 or go to the dental clinic. They have readiness
You can call the medical standby, or go to the ambulance of a hospital tomorrow.
Just call the medical emergency service.
Unfortunately, I only know the number for Germany.
The shit wasn’t sewn? Eiter is not. Did they give you nix? Pads were always given with desiliquid. Try with nem Wattebausch and Klosterfrau or Franzbrntewein. Head shaker….
No was not sewn. Should you sew it?
It was only partially sewn with me. That’s why I assume it doesn’t always have to be. Watch out for dinner. Good improvement!
Sure. That’s open.
Nso Watte balls I got along but I didn’t use them because it doesn’t bleed anymore.
Otherwise I got painkillers but it wasn’t sewn. Are you always sewing the wound after pulling the tooth?
You’ve got a hole in the jaw, and something’s gonna be sewn.
You’re welcome. Can send you some of my “health planks” if not better. You should be legal soon.
Thank you for all the answers Brunzkundl!
No, the only thing you can do is drink a cotton bush with Franzbrntewein, Klosterfrau or Setterspitz, so that the pain is afflicted.
Morphium would be better for me now:p
Well, I’d recommend cortisone. But who has this at home. Me. I’m also an old bag.
Do you know what the white stuff is in the tooth? I thought it was either and took it out carefully with a honeymoon as well as it was. And now I’m reading where you shouldn’t do the white witness away… :(I just want to do this so that it gets better.
Mic hasn’t enlightened anyone I’ve noticed:(
If I like to, but must not take — besides so many medicines that I can’t drink :(I made my 65th birthday and was then 13 days in the hospital
Hopefully the pain will go away soon.. Got some physical complaints but teeth are a league for themselves… that hurts you the whole head awkward
I would like to sleep.
I can feel. How my whiteness teeth were pulled. It’s best to drink.
Unfortunately, you did not:(have such pain could run counter to the wall -_-
If it hurts sharply then you should go to a dental clinic tomorrow.
That’s it. The pain moves up to the head/eyes and makes me so weak and tired but the pain doesn’t let me fall asleep
Yes, you’ll have to check in the clinic tomorrow.