Weißheitszahn OP wann kann ich Schmerzmittel nehmen?
Heyyy leute heute wurden mir 3 weißheitszähne und 2 zähne die in den Gaumen gewachsen sind raus operiert. Das ganze habe ich im Dämmerschlaf machen lassen. Nachdem die Betäubung nach gelassen hatte habe ich die erste Schmerztablette genommen IBU 600. Jetzt habe ich aber richtig starke Schmerzen und wollte fragen ob ich noch eine nehmen kann wegen der Siederung usw?
You can take 800mg. In addition, you should store your head higher tonight (not to take down pillows) and cool as long as possible. Good improvement and sleep well.
I still have a question of the white yellowish lining on the wounds is normal I’m afraid it’s Eiter and I’ve been pulled 2 teeth that have grown on the palate and not sewn it’s normal that it burns a bit I’m afraid all the time what’s inflamed 😖
The covering is nothing but fibrin. You can compare it with the crust on a mustache. This is quite normal and important for healing and disappears by itself. If you don’t have any stronger pain, possibly even tumbling pain, you don’t feel that swelling increases, then you don’t have any inflammation. Don’t worry.
It’s important that you take a little bit, don’t go to the sun, you better stay in the shade and don’t do sports. You can rinse with sage or chamomile tea (the effect of disinfecting) especially after eating. A good improvement.
Yeah, totally. All these unpleasant accompanying phenomena should have disappeared after 7-10 days. And thanks for the star. Have a nice, cozy weekend.
Thank you my chiruge meant that he applied a so-called PZR procedure. So, as you said, it’s fibrin. I would have a question, but I hope I don’t interrupt. Today is the 4 day after the surgery and I have some saliva that was slimy out and I noticed that is just yellowish that is also normal?
6 hours after the first IBU you can take the next
Take 800s every 8 hours.