Weiße Qualm und Öl leer ?
Gutn Tag, ich habe folgende Problem mit meine opel Astra K sports tourer 1.6 Diesel, 136 PS bj 2018, 135 k gelaufen.
Während der Fahrt habe ich komisch Geräusch von Motorraum gehört.
Nach kürtz Check sah alles in ordnung aus und bin weiter gefahren beim beschleunigen ab 55 km kamm der Geräusch wieder und von das Auto kamm sehr große weiße rauchwolke raus.
Der motordrehzahl ist allein ohne gasbetätiging auf max gedreht 6 tausend Umdrehung.
Ich habe das Auto sofort ausgemacht (Motor lief trotzdem weiter ca 2 Minuten dabei kam viel weiße rauch raus dann ist allein ausgegangen).
Jetzt ust der Öl komplett leer.
Der motor startet (mit Vibration)und geht schnell wieder aus.
Ich habe das Auto abschleppen lassen.
Sounds like a capital motor damage.
Whatever the cause is, it costs money.
Sounds like a turbo damage. This also causes motor damage
The mitor can be started and there are no lamps left
there will go at most oil lamp because of no oil.What you can do is oil control when nix is inside, just tilt and look.
Better if he goes on ..then you know a little bit further..as I said you drove without oil so dry . Damage caused by the engine
MKL’s not going on?
Then check out how much liter fits in.Kippe in and start…maybe you drove without oil.
Oil is empty
Sounds like a broken turbocharger and possibly consequential damage due to oil deficiency.
I’m afraid that doesn’t look good.
Total nonsense. It has nothing to do with the loader.
The engine has gone to speed without giving gas. And now the engine oil is gone.
It is obvious that the oil has been absorbed into the intake tract by the charger.
If it is, it has a lot to do with the loader.
By the way, it’s in your link.
How can this happen suddenly and the car didn’t run much
It’s just your friend.
Only with really bad engines. This one just ran 135,000 km.
The sudden appearance also speaks for the loader.
It is usually the engine ventilation and not the turbo.
With a leak, the engine burned oil instead of diesel. Can be a simple membrane e.g. in a vacuum pump. You’re not the only one. Look at Motor Talk, ask the question there.
It sounds like motor damage.
Sounds like a classic runaway.
Get some new ones. Repair is not worth it.
Gelaber. Don’t have to be a motor damage.