Weiße Fliege zu schwarzem Anzug?
Hallo, ich wurde zu einer Hochzeit eingeladen. Der Trauzeuge gab mir die Auskunft, es wäre ein schwarzer Anzug mit Krawatte oder Fliege und Weste gewünscht. Jetzt stellt sich mir die Frage, ob ich eine weiße Fliege zu dem Anzug tragen kann, welche Farbe das Hemd haben soll und, ob ich eine schwarze Weste dazu tragen kann.
What color the shirt has doesn’t matter, it just has to look neat, so no jeans shirt or something.
You can also wear a white or a black shirt, with a colored tie or fly with matching slip-in cloth.
A white fly actually fits only to very dark shirts or to a white one, then wear a black one.
To black suit wears man (; black leather shoes and socks either in the color of the monochrome (!) Shirts if it’s not white or black.
Terrible, but good, if desired…
Ask the witness again, I personally would now have a friendly colored shirt “Pflicht” (it’s not a funeral!), but I also had to consider it at the premise! Not the b black / white the motto is?
I find it more and more beautiful when the bridal couple “removes”, but these two seem to be different.
Black suit, white shirt, silver-colored fly, or tie, can both be in red if you like it?
The main thing is a contrast!
White fly to white shirt is the classic “frack look”. In this case, shirt is of course meant a frack shirt with corresponding collar. :