Weiß nicht wie ich damit umgehen soll?
Und zwar hat meine Mutter Krebs sie war nach einer Operation zur Untersuchung und haben herausgefunden das sie Krebs hat und was genau welcher was ist hab ich nicht nach gefragt und wo sie mit das heute gesagt habe hat sich die Welt auf dem Kopf gestellt und weiß nicht was ich mache. Kann oder irgendwas denke die ganze Zeit dran und konzentriere mich auf garnichts kann nicht umgehen damit… tut mir leid wegen Rechtschreibfehlern bin leider wo anders im Kopf
That you’re next to the track is understandable. Be there for your mother anyway, because it’s still worse than you, because it’s about her body and her life. Not every cancer detection today also leads to death, and therefore do not look too black. Even a relaxed approach to your mother helps her now more than if you still show your panic. Just be there more for them and support them in everything they need.
As you write, the cancer was randomly found and your mother has no pain. The cancer seems to be quite small and also without metastases. There is a very high probability that after the operation the thing is done.
I had kidney cancer 25 years ago with lung metastases. The cure was painless and easy. It’s almost forgotten!
That you’re worried is normal, but you can also have a lot of hope that this is done very soon.
Is uterus cancer
Cancer is also well curable today. It will probably be operated and, depending on how bad it is, get a chemo or just an irradiation. For example, if it now has colon cancer, it can even be that it has been found early and is only operated.
Everything can be possible.
Unfortunately, you can’t help her out of there.
uterus cancer
The healing chance is 80%. If it is cancer-free after 5 years, it is considered healed.
If you want to know more about this type of cancer, read this by:
https://www.netdoktor.de/ Diseases/gebaermutterkrebs/
What you can do is turn to:
You shouldn’t give up hope. You can’t promise anything.
So she manages
Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: you can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone. You can also go to a psychologist.
I’m Christ. Faith helps many people. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.
This isn’t a fatal diagnosis anymore. Of course, it depends on WELCHE cancer, and at what stage.
Many cancers can be treated very well.
Okay, I don’t know, she’ll be working on it again, that the cancer will be removed, but if that doesn’t know