Weiß nicht, ob ich eine Psychose durch Cannabis habe?
Hey, ich weiß nicht, ob ich eine Psychose durch Cannabis habe. Ich Kiffe seit einem Jahr circa 2 mal die Woche. Seit circa 3 Monaten verspüre ich irgendwie eine selbstentfremdung in der Hinsicht, wie ich Sachen sage oder mich gebe. Ich weiß für mich eigentlich echt gut wer ich bin, doch kann mich vor anderen irgendwie nicht so zeigen. Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit psychotischen Konsum durch Cannabis? Ich kann mir nämlich auch vorstellen, dass meine Persönlichkeit anderen gegenüber durch starke Selbstunsicherheit und damit soziale Angst einhergeht. Wenn jemand Erfahrungen mit Symptomen nach Cannabiskonsum hat, schreibt doch gerne :).
No psychosis caused by cannabis.
What makes a real psychosis can be read. About Wikipedia.
A psychosis is rather unlikely to describe and reflect his “problem”, as you can, accurately describe, describe, and reflect, and still works inconspicuously throughout the rest of the social context.
If you are at an age between 12 and 25 years old, endogenous drugs can be the cause of your “detune/failure”; these are body-specific hormones and messengers that are spilled out in the course of puberty and have already led some young cannabis users to put the self-diagnosis “psychosis”.
Krass like you’re writing to young people here, and you’re going to go to PPT slide. Of course, cannabis can be the cause. And that in very frequent cases
but it is self-debted that one is already aware of 🙂
You seem to know and well informed. Then please put a link to a source concrete figures on psychosis by cannabis among young people.
If you don’t manage to make this data accessible to me, I highly recommend reading you through my more than 31,000 posts on cannabis here at GutFrage to better understand what I recommend “young people” here otherwise and even sharing videos for better understanding in addition to “PPT films”.
Did you stop your cannabis use? Take a longer break and see how your location develops.
If you keep going so weird, please talk to a doctor about it. You can also report about your use of the substance there.
Good luck!