Weiß jemand, was das hier ist?
Hey, ihr Menschen!
Ich habe in einem antiken Laden diese Form gefunden. Sie besteht aus Keramik und fühlt sich rau an. Die Form ähnelt einem Gebäckszopf.
Ich koche und backe sehr gerne und war der Meinung, dass man sie für Brot backen benutzt. Jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher und wollte nochmals nachfragen.
Wäre froh, wenn jemand Ahnung hat. 🙂
It is actually a bread baking form:
Thank you. That helps me a lot.
You are welcome.
In the second link are even two German bread recipes under the pictures.
Hello Calaptyca, 👋
yes, this form you can
wonderful e.g. a yeast pot,
but also bake a bread:
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of 13 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the processing of personal data by electronic means of electronic means (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p.
LG 🙋🏻
It’s like a Roman pot. In it you can bake or just store bread in it!
According to my experience, a Roman pot would have a kind of glazing in the lower area so that the sauce does not suck into the mold. I also think this is more of a kind of fresh food for bread.
That’s the same as a Roman pot that bakes you a great bread. Do not water but put cold in the oven. Let him cool down to the stove after baking, only then rinse!
Unglazed? Then it could be a Roman pot.
Japp. Unglazed. Only rough ceramics.
Such a braid is braided rather than making a form for it.
But yes, I also found a form for a yeast pot.
Some kind of bread can. Bread remains fresh in it for longer.