Leute ich schreibe übermorgen eine Klassenarbeit also ich habe gar nicht gelernt. Liege gerade im Bett und Weine weil ich keine Ahnung habe. Also ich habe sozusagen nur ein Tag weil es gerade 2# Uhr ist. Das Thema ist simple Past kann mir irgendjemand helfen
Hey, I know that pretty well, and I’d take a look at this tomorrow and write the most important thing on paper because that’s how the head feels better.
In addition, I would say to the teacher, there are certainly reasons why you are only now thinking about learning and telling her, for example (you don’t have to say exactly what) that you have few problems, whether there is perhaps the possibility that you are doing some extra work (device, written elaboration) if the work is badly out
for regular verbs with the infinitive + ending on -ed;
I cleaned it yesterday
We looked at the monkeys
He cooked at the party
always Who then the verb and then when or who or what
also summarized under S P O….
You have a “my” abbreviation. However, you must already use the technical terms.
So nix “wer” word, but the whole as a subject, English subject, ….
So was it wrong?
Is part of the grammar class…
Not really
Subject p.redicate object – not learned? Nanu?
You show your performance in this class work, this is work per time.
You have a significant influence on your note. If you want this to be better, you should learn a lot tomorrow. If you don’t care, you’ve already given up, and you’ll get worse.
You are always the same – but how others note and see you, you have very strong yourself in your hand. Use it – you will rarely be rewarded for little effort.
Good luck!