Wein oder Wodka?

Ist es nicht eigentlich “gesünder” sich von Wodka zu betrinken anstatt Wein? Von Wodka wird man ja deutlich schneller betrunken und muss somit nicht so viel trinken wie als würde man z.B Wein trinken, also ist das nicht dann sogar etwas weniger schädlich?

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4 months ago


Not the whole alcoholic drink, but only the alcohol in the alcoholic drink is harmful! And it is precisely this alcohol that also causes the noise effect.

I.e. if you drink little vodka instead of a lot of wine, you take less liquid to you, but exactly equal amount of alcohol and thus have the same harmful effect.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Your logic has a hole. If one assumes the same degree of drunkenness, it requires the same amount of alcohol. Whether you drink 900 ml of wine or 300 ml of vodka, it remains the same. And it is the alcohol that is so critical to health. Not the other ingredients of the drink. The vodka, however, is even more harmful to the extent that it is so highly concentrated that it attacks the mucous membranes in the digestive tract more strongly.

Maybe interesting:

4 months ago

Hi, anonym1bro. 😊

Drinking is generally unhealthy, but the vodka is even more unhealthy than the wine, although the amount is smaller.

That’s why it’s really drunk for life. 😆😆😆

Greetings, Renate. 😊

4 months ago

No dangerous experiments!

4 months ago
Reply to  anonym1bro
