Wein für Anfänger aus dem Supermarkt?
Ich möchte mal mein Geschmackserlebnis auf ein neues Level heben und habe noch nie wirklich Wein probiert. Natürlich bin ich volljährig, aber Wein war so nie interessant für mich aber ich möchte mich dahingehend quasi weiter entwickeln.
In der Nähe habe ich einen Penny und einen Edeka, könnt ihr Weine aus solchen Supermärkten empfehlen für Anfänger? Also ich hab auch keine Vorstellung davon, ob mir ein lieblicher Wein oder einen Trockner oder ein halb trockener Wein lieber ist.
Marke und Preis oder welche Art von Wein wäre schon gut für mich zu wissen
Enjoying alcoholic drinks needs to be learnt exactly how to enjoy coffee. The human palate has to get used to the peculiarities. Also the first coffee usually tastes only bitter…
It can be helpful to start with less dry wines and also not with heavy weights. That’s why I would advise you to start white wines. Taste: maximum sweetness, no more dry
Don’t let sweet or sweet wines say nothing for wine lovers or nothing for a dinner. That’s wrong. Among the most expensive and high-quality German wines are many really sweet. This is tradition in Germany. It is the berry selection, dry berry selection and ice wines. Of course, these can also be enjoyed for dinner, just not to the main course, but to the dessert.
With white wine can also be traced to many German wines, because in Germany very high quality are produced. The best of them are coveted worldwide. Here I would prefer the Baden wine region. It is the southernmost and the wines tend to be less acidic.
What you should dothe official EU classification Tastes of wine & sparkling wine. They are listed separately and there are considerable differences, so that here incorrect purchases threaten due to incorrect interpretation. A wine declared as “half dry” (demi sec, medium dry) is always a dry taste somewhere. In the case of sparkling wine, you move in the sweet spectrum (sweet, not sweet). In principle, the declaration on the label does not represent a real taste, but represents only a fraction of an existing residual sugar content. If a dry champagne is sought, you should not choose a dry (sec, dry) because it is at best pleasant. These are the falling knits of the flavors. Champagne tastes only from brood and upwards, Extra Brut, Brut Nature really dry.
Without experiences would of course taste yourself as dry-clarified champagne, also dry. This depends on the inexperience of your palate. With increasing practical experience, this changes.
There are many different grape varieties. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. In order to give you an overview, you will sooner or later hardly get to try.
For the start would be a Riesling, from a bad cultivation region, in the taste direction would not be wrong. Within the wine region of Baden, I would recommend to prioritize the southernmost (Fribourg and South). They tend to be less acid-lastic.
You could also start directly with dry wines. They wouldn’t taste you. Your palate would rate all such wines as too dry and acidic.
The development of the human palate is a slow and successive. She’s moving for many years.
If you have the opportunity to stay in Germany in the wine-growing regions, you should take advantage of the opportunity and taste wines directly at the wine-growing regions.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
German wine growing regions…
a wine lover drinks as good as never sweet or semi-dry wines. Unless, for example, very expensive Ice wines – which I personally feel as inedible. You don’t drink them for dinner either.
But with Italian, South African, Chilean, Australian wines, you hardly do anything wrong. In German wines you have to be careful, you don’t get them if you want them to baptize, in the price range from 5 to 10 euros. If it’s supposed to be a dt wine, then a bad wine. And a neat Pinot. I don’t like Rieslings, although a good Riesling costs 30 Eurp plus. I don’t like moss wines and Muller Thurgau don’t get into my stomach.
What I like to drink is the Vernaccia de San Giminiano. Or the Pinot Gridgio. From Italy.
No, it’s a learning process.
DAMALS as a student I always loved the Lambrusco. Today I wouldn’t drink it anymore. But this is a learning process.
LOL…I have a friend from Toscana who had studied viticulture and also had a wine farm. He has a lot of idea about wine. I was with him when we just knew each other, agreed to dinner, he came too late (as always!) and I had already ordered a glass of Lambrusco. I will never forget his horrified facial expression. He taught me a lot.
The white wines from the Chardonnaytraube and the red wines from the Cabernet Sauvignan grapes are foolproof.
When I go to a normal restaurant, I usually order a Pinot Gridgo or a Chardonaye. Then I’m so sure I don’t get a sweet pie. I only drink white wine because I get sod-burning with red wine.
When I go into an expensive REstaurant, really expensive, I always order the so-called house wine. This is still relatively favorable in price.
Taste has nothing to do with “learning process”.
but, you must learn to drink wine. The fact that the sweet pie tastes many people shows that they have no idea of WEin. Taste forms. DAs is quite a learning process,
This justification naturally makes 100% sense 😉
Because they’ve never grown up from the Cola age. They also taste Mac Donalds good.
And why should these people drink something else when they taste the “sweet pasture”?
Don’t make sense.
This is even available in sample size for 0.99€.
It’s a half-dry rosé.
Pleasant fresh, spicy, light sweetness, well drinkable. But make it very cold and drink.
Naturgut Bio Tempranillo Rosado
From this brand there is also a white wine and red wine for 0.99€, which I would just buy and taste. The white wine must also be very cold.
To your goodness
For someone who never drank wine, it is usually better than dry, at most half dry. Classic “beginner wine” is rosé, red wine rather less, white wine somewhere in between.
Varieties that always go are Riesling, Weißherbst, Müller Thurgau, Muskateller.
In fact, you have to try this, but nobody can tell you what will taste you. At any price, I would put the bottle on the 5€, that is not a cheap wine, but also not overpriced.
Don’t you have any crying friends you could try? Then you’ll find a rough direction.
Depending on the area, whether it’s Usus or Frevel, you might taste Schorle better than pure wine.
For someone who has never drank wine, it is usually a nice wine
to ruin the taste from the beginning, you do not drink any sweet wines!! If you don’t like dry wine, you should drink beer.
Or – quite wild thought – you just drink what you taste. The taste for dry wine can be tasted with time or not. Your gatekeeping to food is silly.
And whoever doesn’t like dry wine is not necessarily the born beer drinker, maybe drink cyclists. Or keep sweet wine, as a sweet scorle.
Whether beginners or not, here is a par of my favorite wines.
Are all white wines:
Blanc de Piwi:
19Crimes Chard:
Fellbacher Wein:
https://fellbacher-weine.de/unsere-produkte/weiss/2022-kerner-c- Kabinett-friger/
No one can tell you what kind you like. I would start with sour scorle, but I am also plumbers and this is our national drink.
I don’t think the Weiine of Red Riding Hood is so bad. They are inexpensive and not bad.
On Youtube there are dozens of winemakers who make you a sommelier in ten minutes.
Hi, IchBinFragLos.
As a beginner, I would recommend a Rosè wine.
You can buy the brand that offers Edeka or Penny without a doubt.
Greetings, Renate.
You have to try it yourself. No one can say what tastes you personally.
Well, you can send him on the right path from the very beginning. Grinding at the WEin, a taste must also form. It doesn’t have to be a barolo, but it doesn’t have to start with a Lambrusco or a lovely Müller Thurgau. He’s just ruining his taste.