Weihnachtsmarkt eröffnen?

Hey! Hat schon wer mal einen Weihnachtsmarkt eröffnet und weiß vielleicht was man da alles machen muss und wie lange das ungefähr dauert bis man alle Genehmigungen hat? Würde mich sehr interessieren, falls wer antworten könnte!

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3 months ago

As a club party, on the grounds of the club, yes.

It begins with the approval. You need them if you want to offer alcoholic beverages such as mulled wine with a winner’s intention.

It is also necessary to check if you need to register and approve the event. This can be regulated in a somewhat different way, so it comes to the venue. For commercial events with a relatively high expected number of visitors, this is usually the case.

With this obligation to register, there are also often certain conditions which must be fulfilled, for example with regard to fire protection.

And of course, you have to look at how the whole box behaves in tax law and whether you have to register a trade for it, for example, with all the consequences resulting from it.

The advantage of our association Christmas market on our own grounds was that we were able to handle many of these bureaucratic requirements in this constellation. who did not come to us. It was a lot of work anyway! And since we had real bad luck with the weather (rains – not so unlikely in December at all…), it was at the end just so cost-covering – and that, although all stands were operated exclusively voluntary and thus free of charge. But only the cost of purchasing what we have offered, all revenues have “failed”.

3 months ago
  1. The area must be found. Then you need the OK of the property owner.
  2. You need a safety and fire protection concept. If you have this and the list of exhibitors together, you can apply for the fixing according to § 69 GewO to the Trade Office.
  3. If it is a generally accessible area, you also need permission from the road authority.
  4. The exhibitors themselves (in the trade office) have to take care of the awards (§ 12 GastG).
  5. You have to register the trade as a market operator beforehand with the trade office and have you entered the tax office via ELSTER.
3 months ago

You will not be able to make your own Christmas market in short.

You can rent a stand with an organizer that is possible.

3 months ago

Since such permits are mostly national and local, it is impossible to judge here.