Weihnachten alleine verbringen?

Hallo zusammen,

mein Opa ist dieses Jahr gestorben und nun hat sich die ganze Familie wegen der Erbschaft zerstritten. Der Streit ist ziemlich übel, es ging dabei auch um Morddrohungen. Nun werden wir Weihnachten nicht mehr gemeinsam verbringen wie wir es jedes Jahr gemacht haben seit ich auf der Welt bin.

Ich bin Anfang 20 und das ganze macht mir ziemlich Angst. Wenn ich Weihnachtslieder anhöre, muss ich immer an die gemeinsame Zeit mit meiner Familie denken und das macht mich sehr traurig.

Wie soll ich Weihnachten nun verbringen? Habt ihr Tipps bzw. geht es noch jemandem so?

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1 year ago

Just celebrating with your parents is not an option?

I celebrated with my best friend and family in a year where my family also gave Stunk. It was different than usual, but very atmospheric and all were happy to have me. I had a little gift for her and Ferrero Rocher for her parents, even I got some fine organic cooking ingredients from them. Just ask 🙂

1 year ago

Why don’t you just go away for a few days? – I used to drive over Christmas with the ferry boat from Kiel to Helsinki, – was very interesting, and on board there was always something going on – and you met a lot of people.

1 year ago

My condolences that your grandpa died this year but do not make the mistake and celebration of all alone Christmas explain to your friends the situation and with some luck you can celebrate with them Christmas!!!

Stay healthy


1 year ago

Would celebrate Christmas with friends.

Or just stay alone if they don’t have time.

Cook something nice, do in the evening when it gets dark a light walk, play a new game or read a book.

1 year ago

You get used to… the last 4 times I was alone; there is nothing to celebrate for me as long as the weapons are not silenced in Ukraine.

1 year ago

be not sad, distract yourself from listening music and drive your hobbies,

1 year ago

I know young people who, after fulfilling the family “Christmas duty”, spend Christmas with their friends.

I’m at the beginning of 20 and the whole thing makes me
quite scared.

Then I’d stay away from it.

think of the time together with my family and that makes me very sad.

Since life is finally, it goes on, even if it’s sad. That’s what your grandpa knew. There is still a family to which young people also come (can) … with which you can celebrate Christmas – also in memory of the grandpa.

1 year ago

Celebration Christmas simple to the same extent wYou’re celebrating yourself. Relax a round and just let it go. 🥳

1 year ago

How about friends? Or maybe you have a partner you can celebrate with. 🙃

1 year ago

Get some friends to you and celebrate with these…

Why are people so greedy for money.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

I’m just like that.For me, the days are like everyone else. Turn off, listen to music and watch TV!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Don’t even ask if you could come with someone?

1 year ago

Come ask, ask your best friend, that will help me believe! 😊

1 year ago

Then celebrate with your parents, make so many.

1 year ago

Did you break up with everyone? If not, celebrate with those where there is still contact

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

And what prevents you from celebrating with your parents?