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2 years ago

Thanks, dito. LG gadus

2 years ago
Reply to  gadus

Thanks for the star and a happy one. LG gadus

2 years ago

I thank you because you obviously want to wish me something good with “frohen festivities”.

Since we are here in a forum called “Good Question”, I ask myself and you what is meant by a “frohen” holiday?

So what could it mean that I’m happy on a feast day, and what about?

Sound Dudes there are the following possibilities for “froh”:

  1. filled with joy
  2. Happy [tuned]
  3. Happy
  4. satisfied, facilitated
  5. Joyful, pleasing (early, e.g. “frohe customer”)

And “joyed” can be loud Dudes except “fulfilled by joy” means the following:

  1. uneasy
  2. amazed, funny, omitted
  3. without care

First, you should distinguish between festivities from personal occasions (e.g. wedding of your own child) and general festivities, e.g. on holidays. I’m talking about the Christmas holidays here. Since the 24.12. does not count as a festive day, and the 26th of December is not yet over, I limit myself to yesterday, the 25th of December 2022, the first Christmas day of this year.

  1. Was I filled with joy yesterday? Joy about what and why? More than on non-fair days? All the time? There were some memories of the Christmas Eve I was happy about, but otherwise I wasn’t filled with joy all day and didn’t know what I should have been looking forward to all the time.
  2. I was happy yesterday in none of the above meanings. I also don’t see how the first Christmas holiday could be an occasion.
  3. Also happy I was not all day yesterday, but there were occasional moments of luck like other days.
  4. I was happy and relieved that the Christmas evening with us with 11 people went harmoniously and my contributions were well received.
  5. Overall, the first Christmas festival has given me one or other joy (see above), but certainly not to the extent and importance of how Christians expect from their Christmas celebration. In this respect, the name “Frohe Weihnachts” etc., from my point of view, applies less to me for the Christmas holidays than the name “froher heathen”.
2 years ago

Do you have a happy day?

2 years ago

Thanks ♥️