Weidezaunbatterie nicht mehr aufladbar?


Wollte vorhin meine weidezaunbatterie aufladen habe sie vor anderthalb Jahren gekauft und brauche sie jetzt. Das aufladegerät blinkt rot und in der Gebrauchsanweisung steht das dass bedeutet die Batterie sei unter 4,5 volt entladen und somit nicht aufladbar… ja aber heißt das jetzt das die Batterie Schrott ist oder was? Die war noch nie in Gebrauch. Kann ich die trotzdem noch irgendwie aufladen?

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1 year ago

Basically, you have to load large batteries directly after purchase, because they are in sale with minimal charge level. If you store a battery longer, check again and again if it still has enough capacity, otherwise recharge in storage time.

For example, I can’t ride a bike for Raynaud’s syndrome when it’s cold. Since my pedelec is barely used or even not used at all from mid-September to May, I put the battery in control twice.

1 year ago

Lead gel battery? With a laboratory power supply, you could try to save the battery by longer charge with lower current. If that works, it’s not clear. If you do not already own the technology, a new battery is probably cheaper.

1 year ago

that is now the battery scrap

not scrap, but special waste. Place the dump to the batteries.

1 year ago

You didn’t load the battery/accus for 1.5 years? Then you can probably dispose of the Blessed One.

1 year ago
Reply to  VFR80065

Jup – keyword: depth discharge.

Instruction for use is that the battery is discharged under 4.5 volts and thus cannot be recharged…

Look at my second vacuum cleaner robot.
Did not pay attention to the fact that the battery was not replaceable. 🤬

but is that the battery scrap or what?

Right, that means that.

1 year ago

I only know these very thick Hoschis that are not rechargeable, but also keep forever.

In the case of batteries, you have to calculate that if you dispense it under the limit, you will refuse to renew the store.