Hey es wird ja von Der Ampel überlegt die Wehrpflicht wieder einzuführen ( gehört nicht zur Frage aber vllt kanns mir jemand beantworten, hab mich selber für die BW beworben und wurde ausgemustert weil ich zu rechts bin. Würde ich auch einbezogen werden? )
Gerade bei den Grünen die vor den Wahlen noch gelogen hat sie wären nie Friedenspartei…. naja lassen wir das.
Sollte es soweit kommen
Findet ihr es sollte Geschlechter unabhängig sein ? Da wir ja inzw für Gleichberechtigung und gegen diskriminierung sind?
( Frauen mit Kindern unter 18 und schwangere ausgeschlossen)
Hätte den Vorteil das viele wieder probieren würden Kinder zu bekommen um der Wehrpflicht zu umgehen und wir so auch ein bißchen was gegens rentenproblem tun.
Wie sehr ihr das ?
Bin generell gegen moderne Zwangsarbeit also Wehrpflicht.
Since there is still a compulsory military service, but it is unlikely that it will be reactivated or there will be a different form of military service, it is not worth putting hypothetical speculations into play here and letting out who should do this service or not.
For the first time, one has to say: there is still a duty of war, this has never been abolished. It’s just suspended.
Is she coming back?
It is unlikely that BW has neither the infrastructure nor the personnel to do so. Even if we were to re-establish the compulsory military service, it would take years before the lack of infrastructures (not only barracks that were closed, but also buildings that have been reworked) and also the staff structure is so adapted that a general compulsory military service can be carried out again as it was before the suspension. And so far the Minister of Defence has always communicated. There are no aspirations on the part of the traffic lights!
The suspension was a mistake, but basically not the rotten egg that was put into the nest as much as the Union politician and writer Gutenberg did not end up and also only half-heartedly implemented. It was not considered as so often what comes after it, but the main thing you get on TV…but I’m waking
The only thing that is certain so far is that the Union has adopted a policy paper. No more! What effect does that have? None! What does that say about the Union? A lot.
Why is there no ‘obligation’?
Because they are all affected.
And it only depends on “if it should come”
Oh? Last seen completely different reports on TV…
You can prove to be verifiable that the 18-year-old generation is completely against a conscription?
Wrong. The conscription was not abolished, but only suspended. That is why it cannot be reintroduced because it existed all the last few years.
That was at a time before Putin attacked Ukraine as a friendly state. Do you want to deliver Ukraine to Putin? Well, let’s do this.
I don’t want ukraine iwo in the war??? I am not a Ukrainian
That’s not a debate!
If you consider this a forced labour, you didn’t understand the meaning of it.
But why must the same question be asked by someone almost every day? There are no new answers, but the same ones. Is this a modern group requirement that you no longer use search functions, but simply generate redundant data?