Wehen fördern durch Sex?
Ich bin gerade 4 Tage vor ET, mein Schleimpfropf ist letzten Sonntag Abend abgegangen und ist jetzt endlich vollständig weg bzw ich finde keine Rückstände etc mehr in meiner Unterhose.
Ich wollte jetzt wissen ob ich mit Sex wehen fördern kann um das ganze etwas zu beschleunigen, ich habe nämlich nicht wirklich Lust über ET zu gehen und wollte einfach mal fragen ob das etwas bringt.
As far as I know, we’re getting out of our way. Also walks, bathing or back massages.
that helped my friend.
Thank you. I’ll try this out tonight, see if it works
I’ll push the thumbs. Happy for you and your baby
Thank you!🥰
The child comes when it wants to come, you can still have so much sex, that doesn’t make any difference.
But it has made a difference HAHAH had sex and about 30 minutes after that began the weeping, then on 10.10 after 30h brought my son to the world
You hopefully know the concept of coincidence.
Surely the concept of coincidence is known to me, but you are also aware of the sperm contains certain substances that have a weeping effect or?
Could have been a coincidence, or not.
I don’t see it as a coincidence
Sex can promote because of, but as with all the other tips to promote labor, it only works when the baby is ready. When sex is best not to use condoms, because the sperms are also “neededed”.
Is the baby already in the pool with his head?
Hello, at the time I was already in the 40 ssw, the mucus was already gone and the little one was pushing down quite well.
Having had sex on 09.10 and shortly afterwards they started to hurt, after 30h I had my little one in the poor on 10.10
Congratulations, then enjoy the cooking time with the little one