Wegfall Nebenkostenprivileg – kommt ein Techniker in die Wohnung?
Hallo, es fällt ja demnächst die Abrechnung des Kabelanschlusses über die Betriebskosten weg. Ich habe sowieso keinen Fernseher. Ich nutze die Kabeldose nur für mein Internet (Router über Kabel). Fürs Kabelfernsehen will ich aber keinen Vertrag abschließen. Ich wollte fragen, kommt nun ein Techniker in meine Wohnung, um etwas an den Kabeldosen zu machen, damit man damit nicht mehr Kabelfernsehen kann, oder geschieht die Abschaltung des Kabelfernsehens ohne dass jemand in meine Wohnung kommen muss? Gestern stand ein Typ in Vodafone-Shirt vor meiner Tür und wollte in meine Wohnung, um wegen dem Kabelfernsehen bei mir etwas “umzuschalten, weil ich sonst in 2 Wochen kein Fernsehen mehr habe” und wollte “ansonsten meine Kundennummer bei Vodafone haben, weil er mich sonst nicht aus dem System nehmen kann”. Ich habe den nicht reingelassen. Im Brief von der Hausverwaltung stand nichts davon, dass jemand in die Wohnung kommt. Meine Frage ist, kommt ein Techniker in die Wohnung, um an der Kabeldose etwas zu machen, damit man das Kabelfernsehen nicht mehr nutzen kann, oder wird das Kabelfernsehen anders “abgeklemmt”?
No, there is no tezhnish possibility if you have internet over cable TV to suppress TV reception. Only the encryption of signals remained as an option, but this is nothing that would be done on site.
In other words, the technician would get EVENTUELL! if it was about the reception being completely clogged with you.
Lg, Anna
So I don’t think anyone’s coming. There’s just no contract and good.
I don’t let anyone in my apartment I don’t know (not even the other day, because I’m new in the apartment and didn’t recognize him). If I live here longer and know him, of course (if it just fits me).
Call Vodafone if they sent the guy and if so, why don’t you be informed about this in advance.
At Vodafone you hang 30 minutes in the waiting loop and then have a highly-competent foreign specialist on the phone. Calling it is pointless, I know from experience.
I have now waited for + 3 days + then let me call back what has also taken hours! The man was then super friendly + the woman after my vacation, was also good + but also took forever before I had it!
Then what is it about? Tell them…, TV disorder, Internet disorder, telephone disorder! What do I do with telephone and internet interference? I took the phone!
A nice happy Friday with a lot of free time! 🍀
I always bridge the waiting loop with housework. Somewhere you always have something to do.
Remember and note and complain.
I know what you mean. But not all are 😉
It’s long, can you limit it?
Thank you for your answer. I don’t think I understand your text.
Update. That’s Fake. They were with me today and I live in the high house. Gathered from Deutsche Telekom (only the way up [Treppe & Lift] works only by key. I went up with them and this was a pre-contract (typical commission drop). When I said I thought they’d have to measure something, just after signature. (As if) Then I accompanied the two gentlemen to the elevator and brought them back down to the 13 (there is only a swimming pool 🤣) and I ne, because of the suicidal danger, there is no one who has no power. The ones then put down and barely ring the Fraggles again. “Our colleague is locked in on the 12th floor” “no he is not” “but because of the key” “ground floor goes IMMER and from JEDER floor OHNE keys. Why? Jump from the ground floor to death!”
Well, no registration is expected. (Hatte too far thought, sorry)
The question was if another technician came. I know what to keep from this guy yesterday.