Wecker ohne Ton bei tiefem Schlaf?

Wir sind eine Patchworkfamilie. 2 Erwachsene, 2 Kinder (8 und 20 Jahre). Wir wohnen in einer kleinen Mietwohnung.

Abends, und am Wochenende auch mal nachts, ist es hier relativ laut. Ich kann nur mit Oropax einschlafen. Soweit, so gut, es funktioniert…

Problem: Ich habe ohnehin schon einen festen Schlaf, wenn ich noch zusätzlich die Ohrstöpsel drin habe dann werde ich morgens nicht wach weil ich den Wecker nicht höre… Ein extrem lauter Wecker ist aber auch keine Option weil die Kinder sonst auch aufwachen.

Habt jemand einen Lösungsvorschlag?

Ich habe gehört es gibt Wecker die durch Lichtintensität aufwecken sollen, jedoch kann ich mir nicht vorstellen dass das zuverlässig funktioniert weil mein Schlaf wie gesagt sehr tief und fest ist. Was gibt es sonst noch für Optionen?

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1 month ago

I’ve always been totally driven by the normal alarm clock. For years, I have a light alarm and am usually awake before the wake-up sound.

Whether light alarm or normal alarm clock, the person who sleeps with you in the room is awakened so and so. Unless you’ll be your partner later, it’ll only affect you anyway.

Whatever is possible are so-called vibration shakers. For example, you could put your phone in the flight mode and adjust the vibration alarm. It’s best to lay right next to you if you get it. Where such alarm clocks are better at the body so that you can feel the alarm clock.

1 month ago

Well, that works with the light at me very well I also woke a deep sleep, but since it gets very bright always exactly 2 minutes before my alarm clock rings on

1 month ago

There is alarm clock with vibration alarm. Had my father. Without hearing aid, he was almost deaf.

1 month ago

I’ve got enough vibration on my cell phone. Can you try out (at weekends, then it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work). For example, put on a plate on the dessert, then it’ll be a little more.

1 month ago

There are light alarms – so they wake up hearingless.

1 month ago

There are bracelet vibrating shakers. Maybe it works?

By the way, light alarms do not wake by disturbing sleep. In principle, we are biologically programmed to wake up at sunrise. The alarm clock imitates the sunrise and the body thinks “okay, time to be awake”.

1 month ago

There are alarm clocks for hearing impaired or non-listening. If I’m properly informed, you put them in the pillow and this one vibrates.

1 month ago

Hmm but we are still on good question

Thank you


1 month ago
Reply to  feete7

He always writes so stupid, respectless answers

1 month ago

That really works with the light – I have, too, but this can disturb others.

If you have Oropax in it, all that has to do with tones is eliminated.

There are wristwatches, fitness tapes, etc., which emit a corresponding vibrational alarm. Works well. You have to try.

1 month ago

What about vibration?