Wecker nicht hören wegen Tiefschlaf?

Ich kann mittlerweile nicht mehr zählen, wie oft ich verschlafen habe, weil ich meinen Wecker nicht gehört habe…

Ich gehe auch früh schlafen, habe extra einen Wecker für Gehörlose gekauft aber alles vergebens.

Ich habe sogar schon einen Job deswegen verloren.

Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen ?

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6 months ago

I guess you can’t get out of the number without any help. So wake up by someone. Just look positive. Unlike others, you have the grace of deep sleep.

There are some gentle possibilities. Fine adjustment of sleep time and sleep time. Very important: elimination of noises that shift the deep-frozen phase. Consideration of drugs and alcohol, if applicable. Some special alarms with noises or mobile phone programs are supposed to also affect the sleep phases. The role of light is also very important. Light doesn’t bother me, but I feel a light sleep phase and the need for deep sleep at sunrise. Lanterns make me sick. So look at the factor.

In case of emergency, you’re going to a sleep lab. But I can’t say anything about the alleged success rate. At least you can exclude breathing problems.

And remember to be torn from an REM sleep phase means mental damage.

Also always think about stress factors that you don’t recognize so easily yourself.

There are also things like attachment by self-hypnosis. But be careful, better fingers away from manipulative procedures.

I wish the criteria are a help.

7 months ago

I don’t know if you’re gonna wake up by a power strike, but I’d be an idea.

7 months ago

Ok then the water shower from above