Wechselmotivation im Lebenslauf angeben?
Hallo alle zusammen,
habt ihr in eurem Lebenslauf egal wo ihr gearbeitet habt die Wechselmotivation , also warum Ihr euren Arbeitgeber gewechselt, angegeben? Muss man es angeben oder nicht? Welche Vor- und Nachteile seht ihr da?
You don’t have to give it. In the case of positions that have been held over a normal period, it is not necessary, since everyone changes every few years. You might even be over-eaged as if you wanted to justify yourself.
If you were only short somewhere and there’s a statement like karenzvertretung, insolvency,… then of course it makes sense to say that before you think you’re bounced or you weren’t satisfied.
What’s short and long depends on how old you are and what it was for a job. For example, 2 years are long for a student job, but short for a senior position.
If you have quickly changed from flyers to babysitting to a pizza messenger while you have studied, this is also normal and does not require any explanation.
Do you have any of your previous jobs?
Thank you for the sensible and fast response
I have always got work certificates from my former employers. I had no senior position.
Because I was cancelled by my last employers, at least at the last place in the CV, I will state that it was operating.
It doesn’t belong in there. The CV should provide an overview of your skills, training and professional experience.
It doesn’t belong in there.
In a CV, as the name already says, one indicates what has been done so far in life. And not why.
You never admit that and if this is stated it is usually 100% lied……….
Many write something like “I’m looking for a new challenge”…Bullshit, no one is looking for a new challenge to a job that is better paid than the last….
All right, good to know. Up to only contract-related termination or temporary employment contracts.
If you were working with a company for 4 years 10 years ago (2014), I thought it would make sense if you write
Dismissal due to insolvency.
If you tell Juli I’m not supposed to give it, I’ll do it.
In principle, one only gives from when to when one has worked. the rest no one goes on.
All right, thank you.
In no case, maximum in writing.
You write in where you wore when, no more