Wechseljahresbeschwerden trotz Hormontherapie?
Hallo Zusammen, ich mache in Abstimmung mit meinem Gyn eine Hormontherapie, trotzdem habe ich Hitzewellen, Knochenschmerzen, bin müde, neige zu Panikattacken. Nun habe ich im Blog pflanzlich.fit gelesen, dass es gute Alternativen für genau diese Beschwerden gibt. Hat Jemand Erfahrung beispielsweise mit dem Calimus Kollagen Kapseln oder dem Feel Good von Khiao? Kann man pflanzliche Produkte von Bodyvita mit der Hormontherapie einnehmen? Ich weiss, dass Bekannte von mir erfolgreich damit in den Wechseljahren arbeiten, aber die nehmen halt auch keine Hormone? Wie lange dauern die Wechseljahre noch? Bin seit 1,5 Jahren drin.
With me, it took almost 10 years until I was gone. I have been able to help with this very well: https://www.kadefemina.de/active substances/traubensilberkerze/
What is Cimicifuga good for?
The extracts have been used medically for over 100 years and are well tolerated. They are considered to be effective in the treatment of heat flashes and excessive sweating.
However, certain instructions for use must be taken into account in Cimicifuga preparations. A noticeable effect can only be expected after about two to four weeks. Based on theoretical safety considerations, it should not be taken for more than six months.
I’d first tell your doctor whether the dose is the right one, or whether it needs to be increased.
Because often a hormone replacement therapy works well.
I’m already at 200 mg of progesterone and lanceetto with 1.53 from the spray can…, chaos in the head, heat waves and pain and and and don’t let go… and how to see at the time of the clock… I will try and report it again with some vegetable alternatives.
I can only tell you from my experience (team). We also work with plant products and also with vitamins and other nutrients and also have good experiences with them.
I’m afraid I can’t answer you for how long you’ve been changing.
Happy for you!