Wechseljahre mit Pille umgehen?


Eine Frage an alle “älteren” Damen, die evtl eigene Erfahrungen gemacht machen: ich bin vielleicht noch weit weg von den Wechseljahren, dennoch möchte ich mich schon damit beschäftigen, in der Hoffnung eines milden Verlaufs 😅

Meine Kollegin (Ende 30) nimmt die Pille durch, bis nach den Wechseljahren, so ihr Plan. Umgeht man damit tatsächlich die Wechseljahre? Was tut man sich damit dem Körper an? Oder ist die Pille diesbezüglich heutzutage unbedenklich? Hat jemand schon Erfahrungen gemacht? Gibt es sonst noch Möglichkeiten die Wechseljahre erträglicher zu machen, für mich und die Umwelt. Es ist ja praktisch die 2. Pubertät die man durchmachen muss 😅

Ich habe vor Jahren schon die Pille abgesetzt.

Ich freue mich auf Antwort…

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2 years ago

With increasing age, pill intake also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease or thrombosis – especially when there are additional risk factors such as smoking, overweight, high blood pressure, poorly adjusted diabetes mellitus or fat metabolism disorders.

The use of the pill can lead to the fact that the beginning of the climatic cerium is not noticed for women in the classical age of the year. Because the pill can favorably affect symptoms such as bleeding disorders, cycle irregularities, heat flashes or painful regular bleeding. However, these are the risks mentioned above.

Therefore, every woman who wants to take the pill longer should consult her female doctor. A targeted therapy for alleviating typical complaints offers hormone replacement therapy by compensating for estrogen deficiency. A smooth transition from pill to hormone therapy (no conception protection!) is possible in principle, but should also be clarified with the attending physician.


Happy for you!

2 years ago

What’s that supposed to do with the pill?

You can’t handle anything.

If you have strong complaints, you can get homone from the female doctor

I was very long in the changing years and the only annoying for me were these heatwalls (all since I lived in Spain for some time)

I can’t confirm a 2 puberty.

It is no longer regular to have its days, heat flashes and any changes in mood.

But I am now glad that these rules are finally over, after which you were gone a year and then suddenly came back for 2 months.

I’m fine and you’re still in love with sex. (I’m 51 years old)

2 years ago

Wait for the years of change… not everyone has problems..

with me was nothing but heat flashes at night…

I’d only take hormones in extreme emergency.

2 years ago

I’ve heard something like that, but I don’t think that’s what I’m doing.