Hallo bin 30
Letztens vor 3 tagen war es so dass ich einkaufen war und mir plötzlich warm wurde und ich anfing zu schwitzen und herzrasen hatte. Das ging so 2 bis 3 minuten . bin dann schnell nach draußen und hab mir was zu esseb geholt und danach ging es mir direkt besser. ( hatte wenig gegessen an dem tag )
Kann das ein symptom für die wechseljahre sein? Habs im internet gelesen ..
Meine periode kriege ich regelmässig
This can start with 30, 35 years, depending on the hormone balance, you wouldn’t be the first. But in other words, the alternating years only begin from 40, 50 years. The period comes irregular at the beginning of the alternating years, so it is not immediately away from one day to the other. Once she stays for 1.2 months, she’ll come back for a few months, then not again. Watch it when it happens more often (in which context, etc.) and ask your gynecologist. You can also make a hormone level, but you have to believe yourself to pay.
So that would be 10 to 15 years too early. It’s certainly something else.
I’m thinking about other reasons. Circular or similar.
On the one hand, you’d be there at 30 very early/too early, and on the other hand you’ll get your period regularly – which speaks against the menopause
Would be very early….
But if you did, you would have it more often. Several times a week, several times a day and also at night. Or not at all.
Unprobably. Probably your cycle.
It had other reasons.
Let’s check your thyroid gland. And maybe your sugars.