Wechsel von Human- zu Zahnmedizin?
Ich bin im 2. Semester Humanmedizin und würde gerne zu Zahnmedizin wechseln.
Wie funktioniert das?
Kann ich mir meine bisher bestandenen Fächer anrechnen lassen? (Bio, Chemie, Physik, mikro Anatomie, Termi) Hat jemand Erfahrungsberichte dazu?
You should first inform yourself (e.g. at your university’s Central Study Advisory Service) whether studies and examinations already performed could be counted for the study of dentistry. Depending on the information, an application for a higher semester would be questioned. However, the higher semesters are usually restricted to admission (other award procedures). Otherwise, only a normal application would be possible for a first semester. I’m not quite sure if you could apply twice for possible calculation (first and higher semester) to have more chances. But it would also be possible for you to answer the Central Student Advisory Service.