Weches Linux ist am besten fürs Gaming?
Will bald von Windows auf Linux umsteigen, habe mich leider sehr lange nicht mehr damit befasst, welche Linuxversion am besten passt.
Hat jemand Erfahrung?
Will bald von Windows auf Linux umsteigen, habe mich leider sehr lange nicht mehr damit befasst, welche Linuxversion am besten passt.
Hat jemand Erfahrung?
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Hallo, Ich überlege seit längerem von Windows 11(bin vor kurzem auf W11 umgestiegen) auf Linux umzusteigen, weil ich Windows 11 echt nicht schön finde. Ich wollte mal fragen ob es sich lohnt zwecks Gaming und wenn ja dann welches Linux, mint? Arch? Kali? Ubuntu? Gibt ja mehrere distros. Muss ich dann auch einige Sprachen lerne…
Der hier kostet 979 Euro Der hier 949 Euro Geht das für den Preis in Ordnung und wenn ja, unterscheiden sie sich gravierend? Ich will darauf Minecraft mit einigen Mods und ein paar Simulationen (Farming Simulator 22 u.ä.) spielen, außerdem ein bisschen Videobearbeitung
Hallo zusammen, Ich habe mir einen fertigen PC bei Dubaro gekauft. Dazu Windows 11 Pro ohne key. Jedoch ist Windows nicht aktiv. Wie stelle ich das jetzt ein? Muss ich doch noch einen key kaufen? Danke schon mal für die Antworten!
As a version you always take the latest.
You mean what distribution!
The distribution is a compilation of a “manufacturer”. This can be compared with religions and their confessions. So how to “serve” the crest.
The differences between the distributions make the “experience”. How to interpret and practice the same religion differently. Thus there are Catholics, Evangelicals and many other confessions.
The biggest difference the user can see is the window manager, so the way the desktop works. And then of course the desktop itself. Here, besides countless small niches, there are two great species:
The KDE and Gnome. In my opinion, the KDE is best suited for productivity. Gnome is more simple and therefore resource-saving and is the most developed in touchscreens. But the KDE is more powerful, there are much more built-in “helps” and the whole feels more like Windows.
If you move from Windows, then the KDE is most easy to use for you. I use Gnome only for devices that are primarily operated by touchscreen and for machine controls. Everything else I have on KDE, also and especially machines on which I use games.
This alone can exclude certain distributions. Ubuntu is very well suited for Linux beginners and you will find a lot of how-toes for Ubuntu and pretty much everything in forums already answered, but Ubuntu Gnome uses.
At OpenSuSE you can choose whether to use KDE or Gnome. The tools to set are very well done and clear. SuSE uses “YAST” (Yet Another Setup Tool) which combines all settings tools. This makes a lot easier for a newcomer.
The problem with SuSE is that some things are done differently here than with most other distris, which naturally leads to problems in special cases because certain things that have been read for a problem on the Internet cannot be done 1:1 or the problem must be solved quite differently. For example, in Googel you must always specify “SuSE Linux” in the problem solution search. And this then significantly limits the number of hits.
For this, however, one has a greater system hardness, the system is better protected against pests and attacks. Unfortunately, this also sometimes leads to problems in games and sometimes you have to hand yourself in order to allow things that are locked as standard at SuSE. However, this is very rare nowadays.
Of course, you can also use SteamOS. This is optimized for play. But you can also work normally and that’s what the KDE has.
The easiest thing is to install steam – no matter what district. Of course, you can register and use Steam Alien games.
In short: Many wine apps like Fitgirl Repacks installers do not work under GNOME, so KDE is generally better.
“Doesn’t work” mean “Looks funny” or you can’t click/read anything anymore?
“Don’t start” I’ve never had, but I’ve already had torn window editions more often. Not yet fully invalid.
What makes a difference is X11 or Wayland. Wayland has become standard today. The laptop I run most of the games under the ancient X11, I had too many problems with the new Wayland.
Just when Wayland was new, there were often empty or black windows.
I think I’ll turn to Wayland and see if the old problems still exist. By the way, SuSE can choose if you want to have X11 or Wayland.
I used to have that under KDE. But with Proton or for a few years with wine I hadn’t experienced it anymore.
But, as I said, I rarely use wine under Gnome, which I use only for touchscreens and because I usually only play in the ScummVM emulator.
With me the whole window was black from the installer, and I couldn’t click anything. But the music worked. also tried good 3 installers
I then tried on plasma, then it went at once
Depends primarily on which games you’re playing. protondB gives a good overview of which games run and how well and under Areweanticheatyet you can see what anti-heat games are running.
Primarily, I would rather go with a distro to provide more current kernels, packages and drivers.
I’m using my main system CachyOS.
SteamOS should be best.
If it should be easy then I would take a distro like Nobara, which is specially designed for it and therefore has already pre-installed many things.
Every distro from Kernel 6.0 and graphic driver of the volcano 1.3 supports
Take SteamOS – the OS of Valve, the company behind Steam.
Mac is for working, Linux for surfing, Windows for solitaer. Surprised, but as a gamer you won’t be happy with Linux. Then prefer Linux to work and play a game console.
Says who you can’t be happy with gaming on Linux ?:p
Why should gamers not be happy with a Steam deck?
And I haven’t bought Windows specifically for almost 20 years. The last Windows version was 7 on a laptop. And it was only in a Vbox from the beginning. I haven’t used Windows for about 10 years.
But I still play very often – and I am happy!
I’m not a player. My last Win was XP, since only Macs, but I still hear neither macOS nor Linux are really suitable for playing. If that’s different, it’s good.
Linux is intended for serious users.
Those who use the PC for “Gääämen” stay better at Windoof.
Actually, Linux is thought to be a pure opensource project in the basic idea. Meanwhile, Linux users are the vegans of the Internet. Must always be mentioned that you also use Linux.
Interesting. And how do you explain the Steam deck? So is this game console only intended to work seriously?