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9 months ago


Since I have different systems for different applications, I also use different graphics cards.

The small standard computer with integrated graphics unit is easy for application x. In other systems, simple cards are installed, since only one image has to be created. For CAD, 3D etc. I use prof. cards and a small render farm. I had the RTX 4080 or 4090 bought.

As a rule, I always assemble computers suitable for the respective field of application. Because of a few euros, I’m not going around. In addition, I also have identical systems in some variants to be flexible and because I am very satisfied with this. I don’t always need anything new. At some point, I’ll buy it again because it’s time, current technology. I could buy and make every day. But, dear money does not grow on trees.

As a craftsman and technician, different cards accumulate over time. From the parents get a few things, from the grandparents, the uncle etc. also. In addition, I often test around, flashe GPU bios, build, configure and optimate. A GPU goes over the Jordan from time to time.

For the Office PC I certainly don’t buy RTX 4090.
It needs to be used. I don’t know, everything from RTX, GTX, GT etc. I have a couple of Radeons, too.

9 months ago


a Nvidia RTX 2070 is installed in my main computer. The Gaming Z from MSI. The best custom design of the RTX 2070. In retrospect, however, the card was unnecessarily expensive.


9 months ago

I have a Rx6800 16GB.

9 months ago

RX 7900 XT

9 months ago

A RX 5700 XT

PS: Hope you don’t mean the old Radeon HD series 😉

9 months ago

Got a GTX 770

9 months ago
Reply to  sirjuiceogg

It’s a good card. I’ve been in use for a long time. But the 2 GB VRAM were too little. The 4 GB version was pushed too little at the time