Website mit einem Backend und frontend?
Ich möchte gerne eine Website mit backend und frontend weiß aber nicht wie das Geht? wisst ihr es?
Wenn ja bitte meldet euch zurück.
Ich möchte gerne eine Website mit backend und frontend weiß aber nicht wie das Geht? wisst ihr es?
Wenn ja bitte meldet euch zurück.
def spiele_lied(query, artist=””): if query and artist: search_text = f”{query} {artist}” elif query: search_text = query elif artist: search_text = artist else: sprechen(“Tut mir leid, ich konnte den Lied- und Künstlernamen nicht verstehen. Bitte versuche es erneut.”) return sp = authenticate_spotify() # Search for the track track_results =, type=’track’, limit=1) if track_results and track_results[‘tracks’][‘items’]:…
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I want you to decide for a technology first. If there is a language you can already or you are interested in looking for web frameworks.
First of all, you should also consider whether you want to make a server rendered page or not. So a page in which the HTML is generated on the server, or a page in which you display everything in front of JavaScript and only pulls the data from the backend.
If you are still at the beginning, you should first learn HTML/CSS, you still need it.
Classic for server rendered is PHP, I personally would rather take something like C# with
For frontend libs, react or vue.js are good, for backend you could also take nodejs, or just like C# with But in the backend there is actually any language, whether it be Go, Rust, Python or Java, and of course all others.
Programming is not just:
var website = new newShoppingWebsite(“english”)
No, it’s not that easy.
Webdev is much more complicated. Try to learn the basics of html css and js. Then you can develop the front end. Later (so in a few months) you can deal with the backend.
Programming is easy, I just don’t know how to make a backend!?
If you really find that easy to program, you’re probably relatively at the beginning.
At the latest in larger programs, algorythms and ventive mathematical calculations, it becomes more complicated.
But yes, since you’re just gonna need that backend, you’re going to be ready for the front end. Maybe send your github or in some way the source code. I can then add back to you as needed.
Yes, but please by github and not directly
Thank you. I’ll send you the code.
You don’t want to rebuild CMS yourself if there are a number of them ready and free download.
If you don’t know how to create front and backend yourself, then you will fail to manage the user and access rights. Not badly meant, but you will make all the mistakes that made the finished CMS packages in their initial times, but have now fixed for a long time.
Use a finished system such as Joomla, WordPress, Typo3 etc. and think to reinvent your own template instead of the wheel.
Frontend + Backend does not necessarily have to become a CMS
A website is the front end. You should remember the 3-layer architecture or/and the EVA principle for the beginning.
The back-end only processes data and forwards it to the front-end.
Html, css, js, php, sql. That’s all you need
what do you want to have a new toilet? you’re calling a clemper. And who are you calling for a website? A tip that the Ghostbusters are not 🙂
Thanks for the earworm:)
Yeah, I know.
Jaa, but you know the code
What code?
The code for the backend and frontend!
for frontend and backend there is not only the code. Do you know what frameworks you want to use for frontend and backend? Which tech stack? What programming papers?