Webseiten Fehler finden?

Ich habe aus Spaß eine Webseite erstellt aber es gab kleine Fehler, irgendwie kommt nach jedem Fehler den ich löse zwei neue hinzu und die neuen Fehler machen nicht einmal Sinn da ich dort nichts verändert habe und ich bin völlig am Ende, nach Stunden bin ich weiter entfernt vom Ziel als am Anfang und mittlerweile blicke ich durch die ganzen Zeichen nicht mehr wirklich durch, hat jemand einen Tipp für mich?

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1 year ago

Problems can e.g. make the final day

If what lack does the browser try to insert what makes sense to itself, which usually fails

Also, if you are not correctly specified, you can get all messed up – but don’t miss it!

Clamp can also become a problem.

If it just runs as described, I would first convert the content of the website into comment

Then insert pieces for pieces areas.

https://validator.w3.org/ also helps

Or to turn on the developer mode with Firefox

And all warnings show us mistakes

Often, from simple warnings in the end effect errors


Start and End Day always format so that on sees what belong together

For simple things, e.g. in the same line

BEI lists and containers always extra and press the content clean.

Yes the browser does not matter

But you’ll be easier to see beginning and end

1 year ago

Something like that is normal.

When programming or creating websites, I use ChatGPT. It’s very practical with that. When finding mistakes, give tips and generally show how something works.

Have fun!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mondfuchs232

What is so complex on your website? ChatGPT can search pretty much everything on errors, regardless of complexity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Uninformativ

Right website is not created with ChatGPT 😂

1 year ago
Reply to  NackterGerd

What does ChatGPT mean to use for troubleshooting when programming or creating websites?

1 year ago

I never said that you can and should not use these tools. I just said ChatGPT can sometimes be very helpful.

1 year ago

And why not the error message of


Use directly or from the browser’s developer mode?

1 year ago

Of course, you can’t let ChatGPT make the entire website. But troubleshooting works anyway. If you know where the error is, you can pass parts of the code to ChatGPT.

1 year ago

Because it can only work with simple standard pages

You can find that in any HTML tutorial


But a good and effective website with everything including good responsable design and individual content is of course something else

1 year ago

Hm, okay

Then good luck

1 year ago

Debugging, debugging and debugging. When you program web applications, you should be friends with your browser’s developer tools. Take a look into the console, look at the error messages very carefully and, if necessary, look for a solution.

For your HTML and CSS, for example, you use the validation of the W3C, for JavaScript in turn the console with the output error messages. Use tools such as Git for version control to capture, document all changes and to reverse changes if necessary.

Even small errors like a missing or incorrectly set semicoon can have great impact on the remaining program code. Once an error is simply passed, sometimes there are strange side effects and in the worst case the program crashes because, for example, a loop is endlessly iterated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mondfuchs232

If you only write mistakes here and do not call them clear, you cannot call a concrete solution. If your program code is incorrect, they will also be displayed in the developer tools (console).

1 year ago

Create a JSFiddle or save it on CodePen and share the link here.

1 year ago

If you don’t clearly state your mistakes around them and don’t catch your source code, you can’t call a concrete solution. There’s no one here who knows exactly what you’ve programmed and what you’ve been doing.