Webseite nur mit “Page Path” erreichbar, wie stelle ich das um?
Hallo liebe Community.
meine Webseite ist nur über die Pagepath erreichbar, dass bedeutet: Unter “www.test123.de” ist meine Seite nicht verfügbar, jedoch unter “www.test123.de/test123” ist sie erreichbar.
Wie bekomme ich also bei WordPress raus, dass sie nur unter “www.test123.de” erreichbar ist?
If WordPress is already installed on your web server/webspace in a subdirectory, it is not set in WordPress, but in server settings.
There the setting will probably be that the domain refers to the root directory and not to the subdirectory contained therein.
the first page that is displayed is an index page. This must be Index.html. Other names are also possible but must first be entered in the configuration of the web server.
So if you do drop the index file in the root directory of the web server, it should also be loaded directly.
Then your server is set wrong
The domain must of course point to the subdirectory in which your website is also located