Webhoster will alle Dienste (E-Mail, Webseite) abstelle?

Mein Webhoster behauptet, ich hätte – als Vorsitzende eines Vereins – 2015 drei Domains bei ihm bestellt. Tatsächlich hatte ich nur eine Domain bestellt. 25.09.2022 – 7 Jahre später – schreibt er eine Rechnung für die Jahre 2022/2023. Muss ich, obwohl ich nicht mehr Mitglied des Vereins bin, diese Rechnung nicht bezahlen?

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2 years ago

My web host claims I had ordered three domains with him – […] – 2015. In fact, I had only ordered a domain

This depends on exactly what was commissioned. There are web hosting packages that contain several domains. They are also available when you register only one of them and have two more for later additions.

Domains can only be rented by individuals – not by associations.

This is bullshit.
How else should clubs, companies or even authorities run websites if they could not register a domain?
Domains can be registered on natural and legal persons (and that also includes associations!).
If someone was named during registration and that was never changed despite leaving the association, this person is the contact person for the web host.

7 years later – he writes an invoice for the years 2022/2023

Then I wonder what happened all the years before when there was no invoice….
And to bill for billing period 22/23 is abundantly normal. Accordingly, the transit time up to 2023 is also covered therein.

2 years ago

For clubs, go to the next chair as far as I know

2 years ago
Reply to  tiekg2022

The domains are in fact registered for a private individual, which is representative on behalf of an organization

An invoice expires at 1.1. after the third New Year after the invoice date
So, if the invoice is from 4.10.2015, then it is limitation on 1.1. 2018. This can be cancelled or extended by 31 December on time a payment reminder / reminder with deadline set

If you don’t want to transfer the domain to the new chairman, then cancel the domain for the next possible date and pay the fees so long, of course only for the domain from 2022

And if you allegedly ordered domains seven years ago, that should be understandable

2 years ago

I also did not write that this indicates that these data are no longer publicly available according to GDPR. It was also about the release date. DAS is important and otherwise: I have already given everything worth writing about it

2 years ago

I wrote

“So just look in the hosting package, where this should be recorded.
Furthermore, such data can also be viewed with limitation via whois.com itself”

2 years ago

I’m writing, just look at the hosting package. DORT must also be viewed retrospectively and also the invoices if any

Have you looked at whois.com whether and when they were registered?

2 years ago

Read what I wrote

“An invoice expires at 1.1. after the third New Year’s Eve after the invoice date
So, if the invoice is from 4.10.2015, then the limitation period is on 1.1. 2018. This can be cancelled or extended by entering into a payment reminder/payment notice with deadline set on time at 31.12.’

And more

“And if you allegedly ordered domains seven years ago, that should be understandable”

So just check in the hosting package, where this should be recorded
Furthermore, such data can also be viewed with limitation via whois.com itself.

2 years ago

I have no written proof – neither about renting nor an earlier invoice. Everything has expired orally

That’s good. Then the hoster has no proof. Write to him that only one has been ordered, that part of the invoices is statute-barred, and that he has to comply with the club.

And then I would warn the club that they should look for a new (serious) host and secure all data already 😉