Webdesign Parallax Effekte: wo finde ich die Grafiken?

Hallo zusammen,

ich möchte für ein Schulprojekt eine Website bauen und möchte Parallax Effekte verwenden, ich weiß nicht, wo ich Grafiken dazu finden kann.

Gibt es Webseiten, wo man solche minimalistische PNG Grafiken herunterladen kann?
ich hab schon auf die Bekannten Stock Bilder Websites gesucht und habe keine spezifische Grafiken zur Anwendung von Parallax Effekte gefunden.
Ich werde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand eine Lösung vorschlagen kann


VG Mahmoud

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1 year ago

Look at Unsplash or Pexels

1 year ago

Hello Mahmoud,

I can only help you in a condition.

You really have very specific requirements for your material and I doubt that there are easily traceable websites on which you can download the individual levels of your parallax overall construct, but:

you can make this relatively simple! Find a picture on one of your go-to-stock-footage websites (of course it is important that you pay attention to the license), which you can divide into different levels – such as foreground, middle ground and background. Alternatively, you can also create your own composition from different images. If you don’t have a photoshop or the like, then take a free image processing software like GIMP or an online tool to separate the levels from each other and export them individually as png (or any other codec that has an alpha channel).

You will find out everything else and go beyond the question.

