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If you count every season, every movie, etc. as an anime, it should be like the 100 animes a year.
I was just trying to find out what I whistled into my pear this year. The Airings (flagged), as well as what I personally “retrieved” for me.
Huch got together a lot. Almost 50 titles. But look at it.
All in all, I look back on a very cool anime year.
By the way, you can see when holiday is in the listing. In the semester holidays (10 February 2023 – 13. April 2023) I made a whole 8 tracks – in the summer holidays (11 July 2023 – 15th October 2023) even 13 titles – while since October – due to the Uni-Stress – actually only manage to see the airings and nothing else. (With the exception of Yofukashi no uta, what I looked at ProSieben Maxx).
But maybe I can do it over Christmas days to make the 50 full;-)
Hard to say… Depends on it,but this year I’ve been looking for many animes, so I guess 30/40 (end looked) and with maybe 60
Maybe between 40 and 50 per year (Simulcast plus completed)
I think if I’m struggling, I’ll make 150 animes. So I watched Black Clover in 5 days.
This year there were many (for my circumstances) maybe so 20-40
If I watch at least 10 animes per season then at least 40 animes per year. Included that I watch at least 60 vllt.
This determines 50 to 100
I don’t know more than 10
Zero, I don’t like it
None, I always found them totally exaggerated and strange.
I don’t look at this