We viel Gewicht darf ein Konik Pony tragen?
Es geht um eine 1.35 große Stute die wahrscheinlich auch noch ein paar cm wächst. Sagen wir mit durchschnittlicher Muskulatur. Ich wiege 55 kg und Frage mich ob mein Gewicht noch in Ordnung wäre um sie zu reiten.
I’m absolutely not a fan of these flat-rate things. In principle, there are several factors:
A slightly heavy, good, balanced rider can also ride a smaller horse and thus harms him significantly less than a smaller, lighter rider who bangs him in his back with every step etc. Similarly, the size/weight ratio can be correct, but the pony can be in physically bad condition etc.
Of course, you should not exceed a certain limit value – but you are still in the green area with your 55 kg. So if she speaks well-muscled – I think – nothing about it if you sit on it. As I said, you can’t answer this without seeing you and the horse.
If the horse is fully grown and properly prepared (also muscular), it will fit if you are not a seat giant.
Do you know how much she weighs? At most 15% of the horse’s body weight 🙂
However, it also depends on the body construction of the horse. I think 55 kg should be absolutely no problem.
That’s right. I have a Shetlandpony 1.14cm that can even carry 50kg.