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4 years ago

I’m absolutely not a fan of these flat-rate things. In principle, there are several factors:

  • Your equestrian skills
  • the building of the horse and
  • the training/muscular state of the horse

A slightly heavy, good, balanced rider can also ride a smaller horse and thus harms him significantly less than a smaller, lighter rider who bangs him in his back with every step etc. Similarly, the size/weight ratio can be correct, but the pony can be in physically bad condition etc.

Of course, you should not exceed a certain limit value – but you are still in the green area with your 55 kg. So if she speaks well-muscled – I think – nothing about it if you sit on it. As I said, you can’t answer this without seeing you and the horse.

4 years ago

If the horse is fully grown and properly prepared (also muscular), it will fit if you are not a seat giant.

4 years ago

Do you know how much she weighs? At most 15% of the horse’s body weight 🙂

However, it also depends on the body construction of the horse. I think 55 kg should be absolutely no problem.

4 years ago

That’s right. I have a Shetlandpony 1.14cm that can even carry 50kg.