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9 months ago

Hello I’m a dental specialist and can help you.

As a rule, all that leaves staining on a white t-shirt leaves discoloration on the teeth.

After a bleaching it is advisable to make a 1week white diet.
In this treatment, “pores” open (to express it more understandably) and absorb better color. That’s why you always eat cheese, dairy products and water, toast etc.

Smoking and coffee are banned for the next 3 weeks. These can also darken the teeth (do not discolor, i.e. let them become gray).

After 1 month you can regularly follow your usual meals. But remembering is still “The White Shirt”.
The teeth were brightened, but there is always the possibility that by the time (e.g. strong coffee and smoker consumption) after 2 years they look “almost” as before.

Bleaching can also be used for addiction as this treatment is at least. to repeat every 2 years.