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No problem. Better would even be fish instead of meat. But in general, meat/fish or all animal products can best be used for the body if the animal comes from good posture if this has not yet been taken into account. Animal products from mass keeping can also be used well, but as a result of the feed of the animals added with additives, these additives are also eaten. So not only reduce, but also look exactly where the meat comes from if you really want to feed you healthy.
Even better I think wild meat, but at the closest but there are probably not so many animals, i.e. organic posture would probably be best, I was already superior only fish.
Look at all the viedos about vegan diet, but then daily pills to reach all nutritional values I don’t see as right, I want to live as long as possible without taking medication regularly.
I think that would be quite close to what our body was designed by nature. So it should be quite healthy.
very healthy, for example cholesterol
I do that and have been more vital
Meat has health benefits, but also disadvantages. In any case, it’s completely dispensable. All that is in meat, you get from other sources.
However, only the ethical aspect is relevant to me. The animals are severely tortured, so we don’t really think we’re okay, do we? Not even if it’s completely unnecessary.
Very healthy.