How do you start taking photos?
Heyyy, I really want to start taking photos but I don't really know where 😕 Can someone with experience please give me tips on which camera to use, what I need to know, etc.
Heyyy, I really want to start taking photos but I don't really know where 😕 Can someone with experience please give me tips on which camera to use, what I need to know, etc.
Hello, I'd like to know your experiences with selling self-shot photos online. If anyone has done that, for example, on Getty Images or something else, and which sites are actually recommended for selling them. Thank you
If you had to choose between the Sony Alpha 7 III and the Sony a6700, which would you choose and why? I'm looking for a camera that's suitable for both videography and high-level photography. Perhaps someone here knows something about it and can share their opinion. ^^ my budget is max. 1,600 euros
Hi, as you know, I've actually been totally obsessed with goldfish. As we've now discovered, it's probably not possible to fit more than 500 liters in my apartment: While redoing the floor, we discovered that there was grout/tile adhesive underneath the floor, which had been glued way too well, and only particle board underneath. My…
I'd like to have some really good pictures of myself. Not for my ID or anything else. Just for Instagram or a general profile picture on WhatsApp, for example. But where do I get them? I have a camera, but I just don't know how to take decent photos. That means poses, angles, focus, filters,…
Hello, I want to buy the DJI Avata drone now Can you fly the drone behind houses and buildings because it is normal for it to lose contact with the drone. How does that work? Thanks
used there are very old digital cameras cheap. Maybe you can want one for your birthday? At Easter, at least some money? And parents should also help if you order it, at least if you are not full-year. Always pay with Paypal, but this only goes from 18.
Maybe there’s a photo-AG at school? Youth clubs sometimes have a camera. You can do it without spending money.
You can also practice image design with your smartphone.
At, for example, there are some dealers who sometimes offer cheap camera with lens. About 100 euros for entry would be good. Camera with lens. If you look around, maybe you’ll find something for 75 euros, it’ll get tight.
Always make sure to get a camera with wide angle, at APS-C as with Canon or Nikon should be at the beginning of the lens in a 17 or 18. For example, a 17-55 mm. Please inform you exactly beforehand. Here you can ask, or in the photo community. e.g.
So a lens is good because it has built a rodlization, especially in the old cameras. This is just one example, keien purchase recommendation, I didn’t look at the offer. But the numbers are already correct. IS lenses are usually somewhat more expensive, presumably out of the budget. But the good: You can gradually buy more accessories because you can change the lenses. Start small, then increase when you like photography, otherwise sell.
However, I find it better to photograph with a camera, for example, you can expose the foreground via an open screen. This is good for portraits, or even if you want to expose a plant or object.
Old Olympus Pen is often cheap. Or Canon and Nikon, for example 400D from Canon. There are good pictures without much noise then only with good light, but to practice better than a phone.
On the flea market you always have the risk that the camera has a damage or the lens.
Maybe there’s a bridge camera.
Look here:
You can call. The C state I would avoid scratches on the sensor could cause errors that you cannot identify exactly as a beginner. Maybe they have some tips for you?
Professional dealers are often good at consulting.
Thank you for your recognition.
In many cities there are also photo clubs, often loose associations of hobby photographers. Maybe you can talk to people there? Or some sort of regular table, but of course I don’t know how the age range is. Maybe go and look?
Just search on the Internet.
And some specialist shops offer workshops, often free!
And: image design is important. Here are many tips:
Golden cuts, third rule etc.
You can start with your smartphone.
There are numerous YT posts and free magazines where photography is explained with smartphones. Z. B.
Parallel to this, you should expand your knowledge to expand the contexts of the photographic parameters (Blende/ shutter time/ISO value) and to know and apply the basic rules for image design (golden cut, third rule, leading lines, etc).
No matter how expensive, camera is needed.
First of all, you read into the subject. Basics and starting courses are available online free of charge. Because the basics are the most important… Then perhaps an older used for learning the basics in practice. Also included are topics such as image design and do not go directly into further topics such as “blitzlicht/Kunstlicht für Portrait” ect, as long as the foundations are not sitting. This will come next when you first have your camera and the basics druaf, surely move us with it…
Whether you need more help such as a VHS photo course or can teach yourself everything depends on you, your opinion and the will of learning. Also on YT there are many things you can look at for understanding. It is important that there is no situation like the other, and you can’t translate YT 1:1, it’s more about the basic understanding. These are not “cook recipes”, but only tips and hints, ideas etc.
And when choosing the camera, do NOT listen to anyone “By those or those”.. Go to a store and see how the camera lights in the hand, as you manage with the operation and the menu. A wrong camera is the one you can’t intuitively use. So look at div brands. Technically, the differences are not so great that you absolutely need DEN a manufacturer.
VHS is a good idea. Are there also cameras awarded for testing? You’ll probably have to ask that on site.
You start with a very cheap pub and try to put your surroundings in the picture as beautiful as possible. Only when you get to his limits with this cheap thing you buy a better camera. Until it is so far, you gather experiences and with these experiences you go much better equipped into a store. There you know exactly what you need.
Read and understand camera instructions, take camera and photograph, view images, learn from mistakes, read guide, photograph.
First, you should learn what settings there are, what they do and how they affect each other. The picture below.
There are enough online courses.
The technical side of photography is one thing. Make beautiful photos or find suitable image sections is the other. There is no camera that photographs dogs and horses better than landscapes and Krokusse.
How extensive your settings are depends of course on the camera. Cheap cnips around the 100 euros have less, system cameras or DSLRs with removable lenses have much more and there the sensors are also larger.
Hi. Generally it comes to people behind the camera.
But there are certain functions that make much easier. Autofocus, the animal eyes follow, for example, if you want to catch animals in motion. Or series images that align the focus differently for macros, focus stacking. Not every camera has every function. If you know exactly what you want to do, there are already certain models that make a lot easier and perhaps allow for the special functions.
But that is of course interesting for people who know what they need and also have the necessary money for it. Focus stacking, for example, also goes without camera-internal function. Just requires a little more time and patience.
Sure. Didn’t say anything.
Of course, it is.So ask people who have so far only photographed with the mobile phone. Who has no idea and is really interested is looking for one of the hundreds of websites where the connection between aperture, shutter and ISO as well as focal lengths is explained.
I learned 40+ years ago from my mother on an Agfa box and an analog mirror reflex and had my first own with 14.
I just wanted to put it to the point.
And some also swear to certain sensors, because the particular colors reproduce particularly well. It’s a little faith thing.
I’d say you should start cheap and easy. A cheap used camera or even the cell phone camera and free wires from the internet. In the instructions, you will see that they do not go into the technical field, but are dealing with motifs, angles and lighting (depending on what you work with exposure) and try out.
If you notice that you have fun and you (and perhaps others) like your results, you can deepen your studies and learn more technical details. So you gradually find out what’s going on with cameras and it’s easier for you to buy one if you want that.
You’re sure you have a phone?!
That’s enough to start photographing.
Go ahead and try to find motives. In this season maybe not so easy, but there are them. The most important thing is to train your photographic eye first and to teach you basics about composition in photography:
Helpful tips: What is an image composition?| Adobe
Basic rules of composition | Learning to photograph by Zoner Photo Studio
Search for inspiration whether any communities, social media accounts of photographers, books. Find pictures you like and think about what you like. Consider what direction your photographs should go.
Just try out. Smartphone is ok, but you can learn more about different techniques in a real camera. Opens more possibilities, but it’s all about the pictures you do, not what you do. Doesn’t have to be a high-quality camera, but maybe wait till you show about what you need.
Watch YouTube for videos how to use a camera, which settings have what effect. Tips for framing, colors etc. Of course, you can also buy books, search for courses, what is best for you.
Exercise, develop a sense of what a good image needs for you and learn the background about time.
a good phone camera re3out completely for the beginning. Check out which angles etc are best for photos and bring the photoshop
Get an old but still working SLR on the flea market, you can’t learn better than getting familiar with it.
Look at the local VHS, that would really make sense.
Starting with the phone makes little sense.
I would simply practice with the phone, from which angle one captures a motive well
…that helps good advice in a photo shop.