Wattpad, erste Geschichte veröffentlichen?

Liebe Gutefrage Community

Ich möchte meine erste Wattpadgeschichte schreiben und veröffentlichen.

Worauf muss ich achten?

Und…schreibt ihr auf Wattpad direkt, oder auf einem anderen Schreibprogramm?

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

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1 year ago

halloo heart 🫶🏼

I can give you some tips!!
I personally find one of the most important things are correct formulations or correct kit construction, and grammatic. Of course, one or other mistakes happen, but it should not make every second set difficult to read. I usually stop reading.

you often get more read when you often update your books or regularly, but it doesn’t have to be absolutely. you shouldn’t stress and therefore “bad” capitel upload that you wrote down quickly.

which I also made at the beginning, which was a mistake is to reduce votes, views and comments. Of course you are happy to have the 1K views ider made the hundred votes, but it is not the most important.

I also write not directly on wattpad but on pages because it can happen more quickly on wattpad that a side is extinguishing.

hope I could help you!!

1 year ago
Reply to  lilyausberlin

Thank you

1 year ago

If you want to publish a story there, she should be FERTIG. This means not only the content of fermented and without logic errors, but also without grammar or spelling errors.

Let your story “ripe” on your hard drive and read it again after a few days. Then you listen to them. You recognize quite different mistakes than reading.


After listening, you’re hunting your story through a spelling program.


Only after that, you’ll charge her up. If then someone looks in, he will not immediately return to the paragraph, because he will be wearing your words and will not be beaten by the mistakes.