Wassersprudler welche Gas Flaschen?Welche co2 Flasche? Sodastream? Brita?

Woher weiß ich, welche CO₂ Nachfüllflasche für brita sprudler ist?

Möchte gleich meine leere Gasflasche gegen volle tauschen.

Passen die Flaschen von Aldi?

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1 year ago

I’m sure that depends on what Brita you have, there are different models.

Brita says:

The BRITA CO2– Cylinders are the most used cylinder size for water sprouts with 425 g filling. There are different valve types on the market for this cylinder size. All common CO2– Cylindrical valves withScrew thread(for 60 l) fit in our BRITA sodaONE water sprout. Depending on the type of valve, it can be that you have to press differently strong or that different noises are also generated during the spinning.

We therefore recommend the original BRITA Universal CO2– to use cylinder. For this we guarantee the optimal functioning of the water sprout.
