Wasserkühlung zu heiß?
Hey ich habe mir ein neuen Computer zusammen gebaut nur dass Problem ist meine lian li Wasserkühlung wird heiß und meine CPU ist dadurch dauerhaft auf 80 grad ich habe mein pc auf geschraubt und mal die aio also dieses Gitter wo die fans dran sind angefasst und der war schon extrem heiß weiß jemand was man machen kann ?
A 240mm AIO is not the best cooling. It would have used a 360mm AIO or a good air cooler for better temperatures.
What is the CPU at 80°?
In the idle you should worry
For gaming this is a bit high but still ok
And at Vollast nothing bad.
On desktop without programs at 80 degrees playing like zb minecraft at 90-100 which is too high
Yeah, that’s right.
Is the AIO correct?
I looked again amd 9 7900 12-core
Now at 95 degrees
Become warmer now at 85 degrees
That’s it.
If that’s the case, it’s okay from the temperatures.
Just look at the volume.
Biss unpleasant for the ear but just when playing the CPU is now back after 15 minutes to 73 degrees
Maybe there was any problem with the ventilators or the pump, which has solved itself now. Is this awkward or just quiet but there?
I understand nix now I have the CPU and now my msi afterburn says just 50 degrees but for that he now makes noises so humming
So this has to be done, but that’s kind of a contradiction.
(This heat conductive part transfers bad heat, but the metal grid is very hot)
Can the paste also be responsible for getting the grid hot from the Aio? Where the fans are there?
The heat-conducting paste on it is never so good. Try to make the clean and then buy some Arctic mx for 3€ – 4. This may make it better.
The paste was already on top of complete and firmer does not unfortunately
Can you make it harder or is it already solid?
And how much heat-conducting paste did you take and is the film off?
Paste is also on it and I don’t know if it’s broken now or what else
If you’ve installed everything correctly according to instructions, I would assume that the water cooling has a defect. Check everything again if you don’t notice anything I would contact the dealer or manufacturer.
Isn’t my first pc and I never had this problem everything is properly installed gpu has also only a maximum of 55 degrees I think would have to lie on the aio
Did you mount the vans properly?