Wasserkühlung ohne Wasserkühlung?
Hi, ich bin in letzter Zeit bei der Suche nach PC Teilen auf mehrere Gehäuse-Vorschauen gestoßen die eine Art Schlauch zeigen, welcher mit der CPU und den Kühlern verbunden ist. Dabei sehe ich keine Wasserpumpe wie bei einer Wasserkühlung, hat mich aber an solch eine erinnert. Ist das trotzdem eine Art “Wasserkühlung”? Würde gerne mein Gehäuse etwas anschaulicher gestalten, jedoch ist mir eine Wasserkühlung zu viel Zeit, Arbeit und Geld dafür, dass man sich paar Grad sparen kann und man jede paar Jahre die Pumpe wechseln muss.
Hello Utiny,
As Michael writes, the picture of you is an AIO water cooling (All In One)
A good air cooler is just as good as an expensive WaKü – you can actually save the money.
I myself have a simple Pure Rock 2 CPU air cooler and on it runs my Ryzen 5700x, overclocked to 115 watts, to 4.5 GHZ and becomes warm at full load only 80-85 degrees. Without overclock full load 65 degrees.
It is only the optics for which a Wakü is worth it. 😊🙏
I wrote that
UPS, excuse me, that was YEAR Answer!!! 😂
This is an all-in-one water cooling, the pump is in the CPU block (on which there is also a display in this example).
It is by far the most used type of water cooling, as they are easy to install and as good as maintenance-free.
This is a so-called AIO water cooling (All In One) because the pump is integrated in the head of the CPU and works just as much as what you imagine.
What you think is a so-called. Custom water cooling
Or if you don’t want to use Asetek patents, it can also be in the radiator.
Right, but is more rare