Wasser löst Salz?
Vergleiche die Wasserhülle um ein positiv geladenes lon mit der Was- serhülle um ein negativ geladenes Ion ?
Ich meine, in der Reaktionsgleichung erkennt man es mit Oxidationszahlen, aber nur die Stoffe? Also ich kann da auch nicht groß herumprobieren, wir haben die Anweisung bekommen, keine oxidierenden Stoffe neben reduzierenden auszugeben
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Ich checke es einfach nicht kann wer die Lösungen sagen ?
Was ist euer persönlicher Favorit, wenn es ums Waschmittel geht? Findet ihr Flüssig, Pulverform oder Tab am besten? Wie viel davon benutzt ihr pro Waschgang? Ich hab eine relativ neue Waschmaschine, die einen Fehlercode anzeigt, wenn zu viel Waschmittel benutzt wurde. Dabei mach ich nur die Hälfte von der auf der Packung empfohlenen Menge rein….
Salt consists of ions (i.e. charged particles), for example in the sodium chloride of Na+ and Cl ions, which adhere to one another by attraction and form a crystal lattice. Water H2O with its polar molecules (dipoles) is able to attract the ions and dissolves them from the lattice structure, i.e. the ions are deposited by their charge to the water molecules and thus dissolve.
Water molecules are polar with a positive hydrogen side and a negative oxygen side due to the different electronegativity of hydrogen and oxygen. Water jacket: In the case of negative ions, the water molecules are deposited with the positive side and with positive ions with the negative side.
https://www.chemiezauber.de/content/basic-2-kl-8/salt-1/ Properties-von-salzen/488-der-loeseprozess-eins-salt-in-wasser.html
More detailed: https://www.chemiezauber.de/content/basic-2-kl-8/salt-1/ Properties-von-salzen/488-der-loeseprozess-eins-salt-in-wasser.html#this previous knowledge-yet-once-collected
This problem asks us to find out which cation is most attracted by the negative water basin. Uh, would there be three different options? Would it be the sodium? Would it be magnesium or would it be aluminum if you remember the law of combs, uh, the attraction is based on both the charge and on how close they lie in the period system, uh, so sodium will have one plus magnesium has a two plus and aluminum has a three plus. So aluminum will obviously have gone out to the biggest load. The second thing is how close it is to the eye of the Periodic Table. Apparently, aluminum is much closer, two oxygens than either sodium or magnesium. The answer here is that aluminium would have the greatest attraction