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I don’t like carbonic acid, I always have to be so strong.
In case of emergency also still water but me tastes water with carbonic acid much better
The main differences between carbonated water and still water are the carbonic acid content and taste.
Whether you should drink carbonated water daily depends on your personal preferences and compatibility. Some people enjoy the taste and refreshment of carbonic acid while others perceive it as being inflated. It is important to note that excessive consumption of carbonated water can lead to bloating due to the carbon dioxide contained therein. It is advisable to also include still water in your diet to ensure that you take sufficient liquid.
Basically, it is safe to drink carbonated water as long as you enjoy it in dimensions and do not feel any adverse effects on your digestion or stomach.
Thank you, but I don’t feel anything negative in my stomach, so it should be okay
For example, I have a gastritis and cannot drink carbonated drinks such as water, beer, champagne, etc.
If medium. From too much carbonic acid, I could rob the ABC.
If it’s “medium”, much more tasty. 😉
Always with it, it just tastes better so! And you can wonderfully get rid of it;-D.
I’m getting from water
I prefer water with carbonic acid.
Always with… and cold it must be.
Right splashy and ice cold 🥶
Always with
Still water just doesn’t taste
Best medium, so not so much….Rülps….