Wass passiert wenn man eine 1Liter Race Energy Flasche auf einmal trinkt?

Hallo,ich würde gerne wissen wie viel Koffein eine 1 Liter Race Energy Flasche hat und was passiert wenn man die auf einmal trinkt

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Amazon says that 1 liter of the stuff contains 320 mg caffeine. That’s a lot. Those who are not accustomed to this or who react sensitively may expect pronounced side effects. More about this here: https://www.gelbe-liste.de/active substances/Coffein_21349

For healthy adults, according to my research, about 200 mg caffeine are considered safe at once. This does not apply to pre-disposed people, but also to minors. Cranes or young bodies can react much more sensitively to caffeine. The limit for what healthy adults should take at most on a whole day of caffeine is about 600 mg.

Even if there are always numerous physical factors in individual cases, how exactly one reacts to caffeine, one can generally only strongly advise to empty a whole bottle of it at once.