Waschpulver oder Flüssigwaschmittel(Waschmaschine)?
Welches von beiden ist besser geeignet?
Es geht um Mischwäsche die ich 1x/Woche wasche. Bisher hatte ich nur Waschpulver genommen,noch nie Flüssigwaschmittel. Gibt es da großartig unterschiede im Waschergebniss und welches ist gut ?
Hello Redface90
Liquid detergent does not contain bleaching agent, because other ingredients would be destroyed. It is therefore not suitable for “blasting” whitewashing.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Thanks for the star
Having tried washing powder for a time, but had constantly white spots of unresolved powder in the clothes (40° wash cycle), had to wash again and again and then changed to wash gel/liquid, much better. However, in the case of liquid detergents, deposits in the machine, hoses, etc. are also rapidly formed. But you should do that anyway, so it doesn’t matter and I stayed with liquid detergents.
Hello Redface90,
my treasure and I almost only use liquid detergents and liquid descalers for mixed laundry – where we always had white traces in the clothes in the powder forms, they had to wash again.
The modern detergents are very good, in today’s time even at low temperatures – and the recommendations of manufacturers also correspond to what has been tested in their laboratories.
Where the clothes can be dyed, we put two colour-catching cloths with them – and they also like to take some color.
Only with towels we take full detergent powder and decalcifier powder and wash it at 60° C.
Best regards
I am a fan of powder – the packs can be more easily cleaned up with me. The washing result should be comparable – I did not try.
Besides, I don’t like the liquids because they sill the detergent drawer.
I’d like to compare the price per laundry with a watch eye, maybe there’s a surprise.
I prefer to use pods for washing color wash – in small quantities of laundry and in fine washing I always use washing powder. I avoid liquid detergent if possible.
Does Pods also automatically have the same softener? Or is there any without?
I’ve been taking taps since years there is the right amount of wash powder and you have nothing else to do tabs in and let the macarriage lauff
I use washing powder
Stiftung Warentest recommends washing powder.
Powders have achieved the best results under test in the laboratory.Example: Aldi Wash Powder Colorwashing Agent better wash results than Ariel or Persil Liquid.And at half price
Read the test reports.