Waschpods schlecht für Waschmaschine?

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Ich bekomme morgen am 21.12.2021 eine nagelneue Bauknecht Waschmaschine. Hab dazu eine frage. Sind eigentlich diese PODS, also ALL in One Pods, schlecht für die Waschmaschine? Oder soll ich lieber Waschpulver und Weichspühler kaufen?

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3 years ago

Hello ThomasStruk

Take wash powder and keep you at the dosage as it stands on the packaging. Do not overdose (otherwise you have a foam problem) and also do not underdose (otherwise dirty the washing machine.

If the water hardness is higher than hardness range I, then additionally decalcifying agent is used and metered after water hardness I.

hardness range 1 (soft) to 7° dH

hardness range 2 (medium) to 14° dH

hardness range 3 (hard) to 21° dH

hardness range 4 (very hard) above 21° dH

Softener does not need

Greetings HobbyTfz

3 years ago

the pods themselves are for the machine garkein problem. you could even assume that they are good for the machine because the washing agent does not screw up the drawer, but if you clean it regularly, it is not a ding

the big problem with the things is quite easy that you can do badly. therefore, depending on the water hardness and or degree of pollution of the water, a little more or less detergent

lg, anna

3 years ago

Honest answer?

Why do you want to let the detergent manufacturer (who has an interest in buying as much of his product as possible) determine how much detergent you have to melt into the machine per wash cycle?

I wash with a fraction of the “recommended dosage” in liquid or powder detergent and the laundry is still clean. I’m saving money and much better for the environment, that’s what’s going on.

3 years ago

The best is powder and without dishwasher for the washing machine.

The pods are expensive and you can’t do it properly.

3 years ago

Washer already tried?


3 years ago
Reply to  Anemonne

Yeah, the machine already tried?